
Gilly Gee over at http://lucidgypsy.wordpress.com/ chose me for the http://blog.hostelbookers.com/travel/7-super-shots/ and gosh was it difficult! Here is my choice, maybe wrong: what would be YOUR number one?

poll results for
1 - 06x - tall ship, Russia
2 - 07x - Eltz castle
3 - 02x - swimming tiger
4 - 06x - green canal, Venice
5 - 03x - blue church dome, Greece
6 - 06x - air tram over the heads
7 - 00x - Manhattan skyline
[under construction]

1 – tall ship MIR, Russia
short sunbeam hits the sails
2 – Eltz Castle, Germany
3 – Tiger swimming in green soup
Z = ZOO (Tiger's pool is like green soup)
4 – Green liquid street in Venice
green liquid street
5 – Downstairs to the volcano of the island Santorini, poor Greece
extraordinary symbols
6 – Air-tram “Schwebebahn” in my hometown Wuppertal over the heads of the crowd
7 – Helicopter flight over Manhattan, East River with Lexington Ave.
East River heli-flight + 599 Lexington Ave.

As always there are rules!
I have to nominate seven bloggers to take part,
but only if they want to. My seven are,









About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

63 responses to “7-super-shots

  1. Congratulations! Great pics … for me, most original is number 6 (guess why?)


  2. Your 7-super-shots are amazing. I can’t decide which I like best because they are all beautifully photographed. I am humbled that you have selected me to participate. I will try and choose my seven shots, none though compared to yours. Thanks again.



  3. Reblogged this on Dazzle Me and commented:
    Santorini a dream come true where u just never want the summer to end


  4. Amazing. Fantastic collection and though there are a couple of contenders, I think on balance, the tall ships deserves to be number one. My lasting impression though, is of the light you’ve captured – particularly on the ship’s sail, and that glorious liquid air in the Venice shot. Bravo!


  5. Oh Frizz!! These are wonderful and although I’ve seen many of them before on your A-Z challenge, they never fail to amaze. You’re a wonderful photographer!! Thanks for sharing them and your view of the world… Also, thanks so much for nominating me. I’m not in your league by a longshot, but I’ll try to do my best!! 🙂


  6. my mouth dropped and my eyes popped at these amazing photo shots!!! just the best i have seen in some time!!!!!


  7. I was admiring you seven super shots, all enticing for a travel blog. My jaw dropped a little when I saw my blog listed. Your shots are the “around the world in 80 days” photos that I see in Afar mag or Rick Steeves Europe. But, I’ll try–umm. Favorites are the fairy tale castle in Germany, the ochre-colored buildings along the canal in Italy and the stark beauty of Santorini.


  8. Wow! These are all so professional and awesome. If I had to choose, I think the Montaigne one is my favourite. Well done. 😉


  9. There is a wonderful light in all of this seven pictures


  10. Hard too choose, they’re all beautiful
    I like the tiger and wupperthal most…


  11. dd16591569

    did you take these shots or did you pick tehm out of others ?


  12. Amazing all Frizz. But the Venice shot wins hands down! The Wupertal air-tram and the tall ship come a close second. So where is your makes my mouth water shot?


  13. Oh wow. These are all amazing amazing photographs – you have captured the essence of each of these wondrous places. I am caught between Eltz Castle and Schwebebahn. Awe-inspiring all these pictures – truly you have elevated photography to first-rate artwork, Frizz.


  14. They’re all good. but I especially love “green” Venice, and the air-tram, they’re really stunning.


  15. Pingback: SUPER SHOTS « 2012 – ON THE BENCH

  16. The second shot is awesome. The castle is located in a good place. 🙂


  17. 7 wonderful shots and I agree with your top one!


  18. Wow! Great photos..all of them. My favorite is the castle. Could almost be a painting..


  19. Loved looking at these. The colors. The buildings. The tiger. Oh my!


  20. Frizz, I have always admired the perspective of your, and Barbara’s, fabulous shots but I should never have been able to pick your seven best, too many to choose from!
    Thank you so much for the invitation, as daunting as it is to think I might even have seven best!


  21. 7 fantastic shots from so many fantastic photographs! I admire your work, and I love the Venice photograph. Cheers!!


  22. They’re all worthy and beautiful shots. hhey are far above many photographers I have seen. All very well deserved.
    Good job, Firzz.


  23. Pingback: 7 SUPER SHOTS « Francine In Retirement

  24. Here is my entry for 7 Super Shots. http://wp.me/p23TG1-11f



  25. Pingback: 7 Super Shots | Canoe Communications Blog

  26. It was fun and hard thanks for the opportunity to be part of it. Still love the castle. Here are my 7:

    7 Super Shots


  27. Thanks for joining in Frizz, i love the castle, its like a fairytale! Did you link back to hostel bookers?


  28. This is a cool “award”. I haven’t been much into awards, but for this one I’ll make an exception.
    Thanks for the nomination, and yes: I do accept this award!
    I’ll carefully consider some photos to post for this 7-super shots.

    Of these photos, the ones I like best is 1, 4, 5 and 6 – in the same order as you’ve presented them, but I think you should have added your photo of a woman walking down the stairs.


    • poll results for
      1 - 04x - tall ship, Russia
      2 - 07x - Eltz castle
      3 - 02x - swimming tiger
      4 - 06x - green canal, Venice
      5 - 03x - blue church dome, Greece
      6 - 06x - air tram over the heads
      7 - 00x - Manhattan skyline

      [under construction]
      I’m always astonished that no. 7 gets not much resonance …
      for my wife and me it was a great experience, this helicopter flight over Manhattan –
      but maybe the global soul is longing for some fairy tale castles
      read my article at

      Eltz castle

      my next guitar instrumental for soundcloud
      will be
      “Fifty Miles Of Elbow Room…”
      an old spiritual (1930) by Rev. F.W. McGee
      about our longing not to be crowded in high density cities …


  29. Frizz – The first photo is truly amazing. Out of this world!


  30. Congrats Frizztext!


  31. All truly are amazing!
    But my vote goes to the Tall Ship… Simply stunning.


  32. FANTABULOUS! (It may not be a real word, but it sounded good.)
    Tough decision, but I will go with Venice as #1. The solitary boat puts the photo at the top for me. Next would be Greece, then the tiger.


  33. Hi Frizz, will be doing this up tonight. 🙂 Sorry for the delay.


  34. Pingback: Se7en Super Shots «

  35. Pingback: 50 Miles Of Elbow Room « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  36. I really, really like all of these images, Frizz…
    I honestly don’t think I could pick one over the others!


  37. Pingback: 7 super shots « a nomad in the land of nizwa

  38. Hi Frizz, Finally, I did my 7 super Shots!! Here they are: http://catbirdinoman.wordpress.com/2012/07/25/7-super-shots/

    Thanks so much for the nomination!


  39. blueberriejournal

    Really like all of your pics. You are very good in catching athmosphere, I admire that. My favourite pic is the one of the Wuppertaler Schwebebahn.


  40. Pingback: 7 super shots | InsideOman.com

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