Thus Spoke The Cat

Cats are talking to us via the position they choose to occupy in a room. “I love trumpeters” or “I prefer the sexy violinist”: which of the instrument cases of your guests does your cat occupy? “I’m a tree lover”, “I would like to be as sweet as a Koala”, “do you love me like you love your plates and pots”? “Come on, I’m ready for a space shuttle training” (waiting in a washing machine): Our friend Catou in Brussels sent some pictures of her cat Zaya to us as document of modern global cat language.

1cat in washing-machine2cat in a sink
3cat-as-tree-fruit4violin-case cat
5trombone player's cat6tree-lover-cat

(The DECALOGUE by Ambrose Bierce)

cat-life-by-manuel-romaris + cat-personalities + regret + adobe-photoshop-luigi-frappi + between + hidden + if-the-mockingbird-dont-sing + no-changes-please + cat-petition + cat-politics + morning + early-in-the-morning + garden-lunch + point-of-view + cats and dogs + cat-music
Henri, Le Chat Existentiel:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

37 responses to “Thus Spoke The Cat

  1. I’ve always loved cats. They are just so darned agile. And they ooze with personalitiy for the most part. 🙂 Nice shots. Just for the record, I like the flower pot poise myself.


  2. It is amazing the places a cat can squeeze into . . . 🙂


  3. This is too cool Frizz. Now I have to think about (and record) where my cats hang out. This post brought a large smile on my face. Thanks my friend.


  4. Schildpatt Katzen sind besonders intelligent und lieb
    Meine wurde trotzdem von einem raser totgefahren
    Schöne grüsse von meinen 4 katzen an deine
    Herzl wolfgang


    • P.S about this cat Zaya in Bruxelles (she had a male companion: SOUL):
      in the middle of the night, 2 a.m. a cat patrol came up to the roof top bureau,
      where I was still working / editing some videos:
      the cat patrol: first: SOUL, second: Zaya, – they made as good inspectors scratch tests of sofa and bed and chairs; they made a body push to my legs and then went down the ladder again …


  5. cats love to claim their territory, no matter how awkward, and this one is so good at it!


  6. Meow meow, purrrrr. You are the cat’s meow! Very cool shots Frizz. I have one cat left from a family of 4 and she is just 19. She can curl up and snooze anywhere.


  7. Great photos. I am a “new” cat owner..four years. Wrong phrase…I had a cat move in that allows me to live in her house. It quickly became her house and makes it known. Having never had a cat before my daughter and her daughters gave me Bianca, a rescue cat from the local shelter,
    …they didn’t want me to “be lonely” so a cat was the “cure”. Well, I don’t know about relieving my being “lonely” but my boredom is nil as I have taken to recording her silliness/aloofness, and choices of communication by body position or where she chooses to occupy.

    Great idea for posts…
    Thank you,
    Siggi in Downeast Maine


  8. Aw, adorable! I don’t have a cat at the moment, as I had to leave my two when I moved from UK to Australia. I miss having cats and their crazy ways around the house though, so I’m hoping to adopt a cat or two later this year.


  9. Perfect captures! My darling is a “HERE I am, adore me” type. He curls up on the computerr keyboard, on top of my crochet wool and pattern, pushes my plate of food aside, plonks on my chest and rubs his head on my chin as I lay sleeping. Very demanding! But I love him!


  10. Zaya is in training to become a tree hugger!


  11. My cat loves cardboard boxes and bags. He especially likes getting under my duvet!


    • yes, our cat likes sleeping in cardboard boxes (she has some favorite boxes with socks or underwear in our bedroom) – or creeping beyond my duvet during siesta: warm and dark; outside our cat crosses her arms over the eyes:


  12. Sonel

    Beautiful cat and stunning shots Frizz. 🙂


  13. cute,
    greeting from bronzy cat 🙂


  14. My cat loves being on me. Whatever I’m doing, he has to be on me. Most affectionate cat I’ve really ever come across and I love it. 😀


  15. Cassie

    Great post, it made me laugh. Especially the combination of the space shuttle training and the picture of the cat in the washing machine 😀
    Thanks for sharing, Frizztext!


  16. Cats always find the best places! I love the cat pics!


  17. Son

    I love cats. My friend’s cat used to sit on the tumbledryer when it is spinning. The cat would then rock like a real rock ‘n roller 😆


  18. These are great! One of my favorite pics of my cat Zoee is of her curled up in the sink…


  19. These are great Frizz! Cats sure are special creatures and beat to their own drum, pardon the pun!


  20. great post Frizz! made me laugh.


  21. Love this post! Cats have an amazing knack for finding the best spots. On warm days, you’ll find my cat in the cool kitchen sink and on rainy days, you’ll find him snuggled in his bed 🙂


  22. And I heard the cat


    • about cat panic: in our neighborhood a house was burning in the night at 2 a.m. – neighbors heard the cat screaming at first; the called for emergency and the fire department came with 12 trucks. they rescued then 19 humans and one dog; they forgot the cat. she died.


  23. Never a dull moment when there’s a cat on the prowl, is there?!


  24. In my experience, cats do whatever they want whenever they want.


  25. Cats my favorite subject. They have a language that is loud and clear. I like hearing their messages. I know what they want. There are no mysteries. Love pictures ….


    • veraersilia

      HI: I have written on cats, and posted two things on my blog, Cats Eyes and More about cats I have many more pix to post,and another piece, but I thought that it may not be of interest to many. Here now I find cat lovers and I am happy! I have three cat. My alpha cat watches TV and has her favorite shows. She has a very large vocabulary of different meows that she uses to speak with me. Check what I have to say about cats at and let me know what you think. Cheers!


  26. Wonderfully self-confident and expressived Zaya! Thanks so much for sharing! And where DO you manage to find such perfectly-matched Abrose Pierce quotes?


  27. Pingback: High Five! « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

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