Do not drift away

There are panic states of mind as rage and anger, headless escape or silly enthusiasm; there are cooler states of mind like humor or ignorance, irony or simply: to care for each other. I’ve learned, that sea otters are holding hands, when they are sleeping: so the loved one will not drift away…
The Unbearable Cuteness of Being
photo via by Wolfy (Pete) Hanson sent to my flickr group BLOG IT! – click on the photo to enter his collection…
Wolfy (Pete) Hanson created as title for his photo: “The Unbearable Cuteness of Being” – his comment:

Two sea otters engaged in rafting behavior… They do this to keep from drifting apart while resting.

I first noticed this heart breaking behavior of sea otters by a tweet of “Rosy_outlook” via!/rosy_outlook/status/139001036688986112
my wordpress articles:
my photo group:!/frizztext/status/143625901949722624

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About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

35 responses to “Do not drift away

  1. They are so super-cute πŸ™‚


  2. OMG! This is too sweet and wonderful. I have also joined the “like” brigade. I never paid much attention in the past as I almost always leave a comment. Can I “like” this post 25 times? Margie


  3. Aww, how SWEET!!!


  4. dd16591569

    Drifting away can happen while we are awake… lost loved one or a good job or even ourselves when we changed our focus… but when we may have a loved one that is aware of what may go on and the possibility of losing us.. They act in love… that comes as a natural thing in the otters… many lessons we learn from creation around us…
    Great post


  5. How cute! I’m impressed by them. I would like to be their friends. πŸ™‚


  6. Adorable! I don’t think I’ve seen anything sweeter than that. πŸ™‚


  7. That’s what friends are for (Friends don’t let friends drift away!)


  8. Cute little buggers, aren’t they?!


  9. I love this image and video. Sea otters are smart.


  10. Pingback: Etegami – Celebrate | Creativity Aroused

  11. I loved the video of the otters – they are so cute, especially when one stretched out his hand for the other!


  12. Pingback: Culture: Men vs. women « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  13. TBM

    I love these creatures!


  14. thirdhandart

    Too adorable! Love this post.


  15. Oh, my heart strings will never be the same again! Oh, if we humans could only be this way! That will be one of my focuses in meditation this month–that we earth people could become like these baby otters!


  16. This is so great! I needed something like this evening – great post!


  17. Pingback: Enough « Radical Amazement

  18. Pingback: Penguin Parents « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  19. how amazing is that – and heartwarming at the same time.
    found my way here via fergiemoto’s post πŸ™‚


  20. Isn’t that magical? Now talk about loving and protecting…. πŸ™‚


  21. Good morning, So lovely to learn this today!


  22. indeed, we can learn from animals!
    Let me touch you for a while ...
    photo by Irene Becker


  23. wow, so sweet and cute…thanks for sharing!


  24. How could I not like this post?!


  25. Your post made me read the full article on Wikipedia on Sea Otters (it’s a very long article), and it turned out that this video is mentioned in the article:

    The Seattle Aquarium became the first institution to raise sea otters from conception to adulthood with the birth of Tichuk in 1979, followed by three more pups in the early 1980s.[160] In 2007, a YouTube video of two sea otters holding paws drew 1.5 million viewers in two weeks, and currently has over 15 million views.
    [161] Filmed five years previously at the Vancouver Aquarium, it was YouTube’s most popular animal video at the time, although it has since been surpassed. The lighter-colored otter in the video is Nyac, a survivor of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.[162] Nyac died in September 2008, at the age of 20.[163]


    • oh an EXXON VALDEZ oil spill survivor,
      now I’m even more touched!
      thanks for sharing the information
      about the history of this video
      (and sea otters’ biography)!


  26. These sweet otters just prove that all creation is precious if wejust take the time to see it.


  27. Pingback: the D archive « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  28. Pingback: Seal the Deal « adjustingyourfocus

  29. Oh my gosh! That video is so awesome! Hallie and I just watched it and just howled! It makes me love them even more. I know animals, like people, have a great capacity to love and appreciate each other, as well as love humans. It’s just so heartwarming to see it. I wonder if it was a husband and wife. Love your post, as well! Thank you so much for sharing. Made my day!


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