tagged Q

Every Tuesday, step by step, I’m walking with my readers from A to Z, last week we had “P” (visit tagged P), so this week we have Q – I’m sure you’ll find a story or a short reflection tagged with “Q”! Feel free to add in the comments below the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “Q”!!! Myself I’ll feature “Q” for quietness:


Oh this quietness! I will never forget the silence on that Christmas Eve in 1964, when I tried through waist-deep snow in darkness on a closed country road to reach my home beyond the forest. I had started my walk in a village at 8 clock in the evening. Because of the onset of snowfall (and: it was Christmas Eve!) not a single car was driving. At midnight, finally arrived at the height of the mountain to be overcome, still half way in the icy night in front of me, suddenly came up behind a lone taxi. The driver, a classmate, Peter Schüttler, he saw me and stopped. In a hell hunting, snow violently thrusting aside, it went downhill. A week later, his driving style had killed him.
Below seven pictures, kindly sent from different flickr photographers to my group BLOG IT! They all have a hidden message of QUIETNESS, I believe, or not? Click on the images to enter the galleries of the several photographers:
Forrest with snow and fog
title=”Forrest with snow and fog” by akarakoc
title=”clipper” by shrimpaw
Under the Shadow of Benbulben #2
title=”Under the Shadow of Benbulben #2″ by joekennedy52
the Henge (Explore #105 Tue 16 Apr 13)
title=”the Henge” (Explore #105 Tue 16 Apr 13) by shando.
carnies. (EXPLORED 04/10/2013)
title=”carnies” (EXPLORED 04/10/2013) by stevenbley
Frost & cold
title=”Frost & cold” by Valery Titievsky
Let it snow... II
title=”Let it snow… II” by Marji Lang

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

71 responses to “tagged Q

  1. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Challenge] Q is for Queensland |

  2. FT, is that a true story? True or not, very compelling!
    And beautiful photos, well chosen


    • it’s true, Tina, and there was something before and something after. Before: my girl friend, 16, had invited me (aged 19) to her home, to see her father, sister and step-mother again. But then at 8 in the evening her father outraged and threw me out into the cold. No traffic, no phone. After: two weeks later my girl friend committed suicide. In anger her father visited my home and blamed me for the disaster. I answered, that he made a bad decision, to lock his daughter like a prisoner into her tiny room for two weeks with no contact to the outside. He answered, that he had not be willing to watch his daughter starting an erotic contact. Then I answered, that the priest, a close friend of his family, had sexual contact to his daughter since she was 12. Then he left our home without a word.


  3. All of the pictures are gorgeous and yeah, evocative of silence. I do not know which picture is my favorite. 🙂


  4. Hi Frizz, I always find black and white photographs to be particularly moving and powerful. My favorite among your selections here is the Stonehenge photo – I wish to visit that place too soon. 🙂

    Here’s my Q photo for the week. Queensland! 🙂


  5. i felt as if we were sitting around a campfire with this story.
    yes, the images project a feeling of quiet.


  6. Quiet and magical images. Fabulous!


  7. Pingback: Tagged Q – Flickr Comments | Thoze Were the Daze

  8. Beautiful photos, Frizz, and a wonderful story.


  9. Beautiful photos, and a moving story, that was moving to read… and beautiful quiet, though you might have had some reservations about it that night. Very enjoyable post.


  10. Pingback: Tagged Q ~ Quench the thirst | The Eclectic Eccentric Shopaholic

  11. kz

    truly a moving story. those photos are stunning. the sense of quietness really comes across.

    Halo Halo ^^


  12. What a sad story with these beautiful images!


    • hi Gilly, I like your Jaipur palace pictures – a palace for women? – and though it is far away from India I dare to talk about another person of my generation, singing FREEDOM very loud, but maybe he begs for quietness with the lyrics: SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE A MOTHERLESS CHILD – he died now aged 72 after an heart attack, R.I.P.


  13. fantastic story to share thanks frizz and such interesting photos … all B&W with a sense of stillness, but each one telling a different tale 🙂


  14. Wow, what sad stories, Frizz, including the one you told Tina. It’s amazing how many people suffer in the world. Buddhism teaches that life is suffering, but it seems some people suffer a lot more tragedies in their lives than others.


  15. Wow, I’m stunned by your post. First the collection of photos which is perfect to illustrate stillness….and the I read your saviour died the week after rescuing you…..then I read the beginning and the end of this tragic tale. Utter stupidity and stubbornness from a father, which led to a pointless death. where had the love in his heart gone? This must have haunted you for years…maybe still does. Stillness is a good way to contemplate this event. Thank you for such an open and honest share.


  16. Amy

    I’m stunned by your story and the story that you replied to Tina’s comment…. Abusive!


  17. Pingback: Quincy Jones – aka – Q | Inside the Mind of Isadora

  18. The photos emit silence in every inch of them. It is the first that is the most compelling. I’m sure the incident behind it is the reason. It is sad to have parents who are so strict that they feel they are helping their child when instead they are creating more harm. A very sad life she had to have had to make her do what she did. Wonderful post, Frizz.
    I have gone to jazz for this one. I know he isn’t considered a jazz musician but he was with many great ones at one time. Hope you enjoy my post for the Letter – Q.


  19. I love your photos but I’m also shocked into silence by the story of the young girl. (((Sigh))


  20. hi Frizz, as i read your story which you told Tina … quieted my soul for a minute there. its impact was to silence my soul and thank GOD that by His grace, when we keep quiet and really seek HIM with all our heart, HE speaks to us so we are able to hear HIS comfort in our times of anxiety and confusion bringing us back to the soothing QUIET of HIS love. — April


  21. Pingback: Quintet of Questions | Tell Tale Therapy

  22. Laura Bloomsbury

    Quiet can be so welcome as in these images but am very sad to hear the silence of Richie Havens – now at last he is the high flying bird.
    I’ve strung a few questions together:


    • thank you, Laura, for joining my weekly A to Z challenges!
      On the topic QUESTIONS I daily remember the philosopher
      Ludwig Wittgenstein

      Languages are frames for a lifestyle

      who said:
      “One can easily imagine a language consisting only of orders and messages in battle, or a language consisting only of questions and an expression of affirmation and negation. And countless others. To imagine a language means to imagine a life form.“


  23. kz

    omg i just read the story that you told Tina.. it’s sad that you had to go through that. and i feel so bad for the girl too. still, a great lesson to be learned here. parents should always attempt to communicate and have an open relationship with their children.


  24. These pictures are absolutely brilliant!!


  25. Pingback: Quietness En plein-air | Allyson Mellone

  26. Allyson Mellone

    Quietness can be scary sometimes such as in the situation you’ve described. And the quietness that became sadness a week later. I like your “Q for Quietness.” I thought I would give you a quiet walk in Central Park 🙂



    • thank you, Allyson, for your fragment: “…’Quietness’ is for me a solitary pursuit to refresh and rejuvenate my body and mind. I have been in the studio everyday, including weekends, for the last two weeks. With most of my orders completed and shipped I decided to take the next few days off. This morning I went for an early walk in the Ramble of Central Park…”
      We visited NYC several times and always I made a break at the IMAGINE rondell made by Yoko Ono for John Lennon …


  27. Such poignant moments of quiet with the tragedies of those young lives, the girl paying for her life with her quietness.


  28. Pingback: The Letter Q | AngelineM's Blog

  29. A tragic story; when I commented earlier, I had not seen your response to Tina. Sending this post for you, Frizz. http://angelinem.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/the-letter-q/


    • thank you, Angeline, for “…Quartz is said to dispel negativity among other things, and it is also said to promote deep inner healing and feelings of peace. I am hoping these vibes reach all the way to Frizz…”


  30. Pingback: Story Challenge: Tagged “Q” | Across the Bored

  31. museconfuse

    thanks for sharing these photos and what a tragic event – both the one in your post and the one you wrote to Tina. Especially on your gf, what a terrible thing to have to experience when you are young.


  32. The photos are really beautiful. They certainly inspire me quietness


  33. Pingback: tagged Q | maxidiehexi

  34. Thank you for sharing your experience and also a big thanks for keeping the challenges going

    tagged Q

    herzliche Grüße


  35. A chaotic week but a Q just for you – please have a look at

    Story Challenge: Tagged “Q”


  36. Pingback: Tagged Q: Quilting | A New Day

  37. Pat

    I have been waiting for Q to come – so here is mine.

    Tagged Q: Quilting


  38. Hmm… your posts haven’t been showing up in my reader lately. 😦 I am happy I saw Pat’s link to this one, thank you for sharing such an impactful time in your life.


  39. Pingback: The Queen’s Walk | Travel with Intent

  40. I had to think a while until I had some Q inspiration, but here it is. For those who aren’t near London, I hope this gives a good virtual tour: http://travelwithintent.com/2013/04/29/the-queens-walk/


    • you’ve created a wonderful tribute gallery for London!
      If I had the money, I would come!
      cheaper: to run through the tunnel,
      but I believe it’s forbidden…


  41. Pingback: Wild Weekly Photo Challenge: Birds / Quest | Creativity Aroused

  42. Such a tragic story about your friend.

    Very nice black and white photos depicting quietness.

    Here is my entry:

    Wild Weekly Photo Challenge: Birds / Quest


  43. Beautiful and evocative.


  44. Pingback: tagged R | Flickr Comments

  45. Pingback: tagged Q: quay | my sweetpainteddreams

  46. hi frizz, a bit late again .. here’s my tagged Q entry http://starlight427.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/tagged-q-quay/
    wishing you a pleasant day 🙂


  47. Pingback: Story Challenge: Tagged “R” | Across the Bored

  48. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Challenge] Q is for Queensland | Gathering Books

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