
Irony is one of the most important tools for philosophy …

HARRY, the traveler dog

Originally uploaded by Frizztext
HARRY, the traveler dog

All mankind is divided
into three classes:

those that are immovable,
those that are movable,
and those that move.

Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790)
P.S.: the dog’s name is Harry,
I like his pirate scarf…
comment by Ben Visbeek,
Amsterdam: no helmet for him?
name of the dog: Harry,
nickname: the pirate

The father of existentialism, Sören Kierkegaard, had demanded (for his part back-reminding of Socrates), to try it nevertheless once with irony.

Kierkegaard experimented to realize a clearly more individual life concept than it came (at that time) into the horizon of the orthodox piety or devotion to the state or the usual marriage loyalty. He used philosophical statements, long literature tours and risky own-life entanglements to develop his thoughts.

ANTI-CLERICAL: It has been told, that Kierkegaard admired a Danish clergyman, who shouted to his (a little bit too much affected) congregation: “Do not cry, dear children, – it could be lied everything!” Another anti-clerical statement of S.K.: “You cannot live on nothing, it is often told, particularly of ministers and precisely the clergymen succeed this feat: not at all there is any Christianity – and they live nevertheless on it.” This is Kierkegaard’s typical method of irony, a method of producing distance against the usual social milieu.

IRONY: “The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates” was the title of Kierkegaard’s dissertation (1841), no, it had not this title, but: “Om Begrebet Ironi med Stadigt Hensyn til Socrates…”

DECONSTRUCTION: The XV. and last thesis read: “ut a dubitatione philosophia, sic ab ironia vita digna, quae humana vocetur, incipit.” “Just like philosophy begins with the doubt, equally live (an existence, you can call dignified) begins with the irony.” read more at

Alanis Morissette – Ironic, on youtube:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

13 responses to “Irony

  1. wow how ironic, I also had a blog today about this subject.




  2. That dog is so cool looking. LOL!


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  4. But Kirkegaard disliked irony. I have never read him, but since I myself dislike irony and find it useless, I was surprised and pleased one day to find that disliking it is known as a philosophical option.

    “Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, and others, see irony, such as that used by Socrates, as a disruptive force with the power to undo texts and readers alike.

    [Socratic] irony [is] the infinite absolute negativity. It is negativity, because it only negates; it is infinite, because it does not negate this or that phenomenon; it is absolute, because that by virtue of which it negates is a higher something that still is not. The irony established nothing, because that which is to be established lies behind it…”

    this is shortened from I do not understand what he means by “behind” and “higher”.


  5. Kierkegaard liked irony as a tool to make a creative distance to overwhelming arrogant powers (as the church or Platon). He disliked a mechanical, dialectic, sophistic use of irony without moral, heart, not related to existential feelings.”Higher, behind” – that means: the existential feelings like angst. Not any irony, not any clever sophist (like Platon) ever can deny angst or other feelings (erotic etc.). Nevertheless he will try to use language as a tool, to make us believe, the things which are, are not. Wrong use of irony, dialectic as a cynical method.


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