Story Challenge: Letter “D”

Hi Bloggers! Do you have to share a story or a short reflection tagged with the letter “D”? For example I’ve written about DANCING or DOLPHINS, about DARWIN or DESIGN, sang some blues about DIAMONDS or DISSATISFIED ladies, wrote about darkness or deserts, death and differences, doors and docks, dogs and dandelions, dolphins, donkeys and Dubrovnik, Disco Queens or Dragon Boat Races, documents and departures, the divided world or design developments, dreams and desires, distant-points-of-view, Dubai or disasters, dialogs and ducks – I’m sure you’ll find an own story or a short reflection tagged with “D”! Feel free to add in the comments the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “D”!!!


Tango - Um sentimento que se dança
photo by Lídia Ramalho; title=”Tango – Um sentimento que se dança”
– click on the picture to enter her flickr galleries

my “D” story / short reflection / comment tagged with “D”:

Nowadays they do not dance together anymore. Some march bouncing and venomously. Others are creeping horrified. The social gaps grow. Not only financially but also via body language! Gustave Flaubert once wrote: “One does not dance today any more; one marches, winds himself etc. ” When I was young, in the sixties (1961), the drummer Sandy Nelson had a hit with “LET THERE BE DRUMS!”. Paul Cardin, Canada, features on his flickr photostream an inspiring video with that song: Dance if no one would see you. Lay down your burden and: DANCE!

THE CREATURE, the dance… Originally uploaded by Never Was An Arrow II

once, in the sixties, I heard Sandy Nelson and his “Let there be drums” – and we danced, danced, danced; danced like no one could see us, reaching trance at least;
short print version + The “D” Archive + The “D” Challenge + dancing-marching-creeping + tango-is-a-lifestyle

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

86 responses to “Story Challenge: Letter “D”

  1. Allan G. Smorra

    A good choice and a great photo.


  2. Great photo. I met my husband folk dancing.


  3. Wow! You’ve written and sung A LOT!
    This makes me want to dance. 🙂


  4. Pingback: Photo Journal/ Photo Challenge: D is for Downtown Vegas «

  5. What a beautiful message for us this week, Frizz. Dance, dance, dance indeed!! Here is my photo contribution for this week’s D story: Downtown Vegas –


    • hi Myra,
      I like your DOWNTOWN description:
      “…a 90 year old grandma in bright red lipstick, a purple mohawk – wearing six-inch stiletto heels and fishnet stockings – ancient but still rockin’ and rollin’…” – that’s literature …


  6. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter “D” « Flickr Comments by FrizzText | A-Z ARCHIVE : NELLIBELL49 ON THE BELLINGER RIVER IN 2012

  7. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter “D” | ft. // la vie éclectique

  8. Pingback: Dusshera, Tradition and Collecting Idols | perceptionsofareluctanthomemaker

  9. Dog, dragon and Donald Duck are “D”


  10. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter “D” « rondomtaliedraai

    • DARK HORSE = Someone who emerges to prominence; being previously little known…
      thanks for the English lesson – of course new for me!
      greetings from Germany …


  11. Pingback: D! Challenge: Double-take « beyondpaisley

  12. Here’s my D entry. This one had me cracking up while I wrote it…sometimes people surprise you (happily!) in ways you might never expect… 😉


  13. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter “D”; We Danced « What about God?

  14. interesting street pic of the tango

    My step at D:


  15. Pingback: STORY CHALLENGE: LETTER D « Francine In Retirement

  16. I like your entry for this weeks challenge and your suggestions for us. I have decided to tell about my trip to the Dickens Victorian Village in Cambridge, Ohio. Here is my entry:



  17. You want Stories Frizztext – hows this one…

    A – Z Story Challenge: D is for Decency



    • disappearing DECENCY ???
      with a photo slide show:
      the streets of London
      by Ralph McTell

      maybe the rich have lost decency?
      just remembering Oliver Twist …
      what Charles Dickens would say nowadays?


      • I too wonder what Dickens, Stevenson or Sir walter Scott might have made of our current world. I don’t doubt though that they would still be vastly better writers than me 🙂 Love your Tango photo at the top. As a user of Yeasu transceivers I am a member of the Fox-Tango group on Yahoo. The group icon is a pair of foxes doing the tango in a very similar pose to your photo 🙂


        • hi Martin,
          I played for you now

          I’ll make a LONDON article (still searching for some photos) because this week the Olympic Games start there – for sure you’ve noticed that, Martin – at least because prostitutes are now walking around on your street: that’s usual – they are following the big events global – since 1000 years I believe – take it easy!


  18. Pingback: FrizzText’s Story Challenge: Letter D « Cee's Life Photography Blog

  19. I see your photo of a moment in movement, dance really nice. My try at D is for discovery a photo I took of a piece of art and its historical connection.


  20. Strange,I can’t recollect anything other than diamond prices.


  21. Hi! This is my Story Challenge: Letter “D”:



    • hi Marianne,
      thank you for introducing this strange (for an European philosopher) world:
      “…very impressive the intense devotion that the Hare Krishna members feel for their Deities, and the way they interact and look for them. The devotees do all their activities for the Deities: cook for them, feed them, bathe, dress, and adorn them with jewels and garlands…”


  22. Pingback: “D” Challenge: Details, Dahlietta | Creativity Aroused

  23. I enjoyed your piece on dancing-eyes-closed.
    Here is my entry on the importance of noticing details:

    “D” Challenge: Details, Dahlietta


  24. Hello Frizztext. Its cold on this side of the world this morning. I am adventuring along one small street in my area and round the world with you and the other A-Zers.


    • hy Lynne,
      you’ve written a great tribute to your DOWLE STREET!!!
      “DOWLE STREET. I have lived there twice and my third granddaughter was born there. Dowle Street runs kind of parallel with a section of the Bellinger River. The first time I ever knew of it was in the early 1970s when Tony B and I were camping in a wee tent and reading Lord of the Rings and indulging in strange substances. The Cedars Caravan Park was there in those days right beside the tropical island in the middle of the river. It seems to me that it was the first time I ever smelt jasmine. Jasmine growing wild and lush…”


    • hi Lynne,
      I like your sentence:
      “The bats hung from the wires…”
      you say it’s cold now down yonder in Australia?
      Not easy to imagine for us in Europe now:
      sat in our garden yesterday the whole day long
      – with 31 degree Celsius


  25. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter “D” « Rois

  26. jakesprinter

    I love the Dancing Shot 🙂


  27. Pingback: What kind of dog should be get? | Sofacents : From Adman To Diaperman

  28. I love old LP covers like the Sandy Nelson one!

    Here’s mine. What kind of dog should we get ?


    • we had 10 years a bobtail / sheep dog – we will never forget him!


      • Thanks Frizz! We’re thinking of the various breeds of sheep dogs too!


        • our dog’s race was “Old English Sheep Dog” / Bobtail – we’ll never forget him, Sarah was his name – had so many funny experiences running through snow, swimming in the North Sea, sleeping in the forest, running through a wedding in a chapel, stealing our neighbour’s hat, stealing the ball from a soccers’ field – we had often some trouble – but back home we always had to laugh!


  29. Pingback: A-Z Story Challenge: D is for Dragonboat « heartfelt images

  30. what a dramatic image for dance frizz!!! here is my entry, dragon boat


  31. Great shot, love it, and indeed “D”… 😉

    You inspired me… 😉

    “D” for digging graves


  32. Pingback: Dragon Of Fortune! « The Urge To Wander

  33. Pingback: Seeking the Dhamma in Dazu « The Urge To Wander

  34. I regretted not being able to capture a good tango shot on our visit to Buenos Aires. Great shot Frizz


  35. Pingback: story challenge: letter “d” (david) « a nomad in the land of nizwa

  36. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter “D” « maxidiehexi

  37. Story Challenge: Letter “D”

    I missed a view, but I am glad that I am settled again and can once again enjoy all the challenges


  38. Pingback: “D” is for Dinosaurs | a hectic life

  39. i’d have to sit on both my hands to stop myself from raising them if someone were to ask, “who wants to join the story challenges?” 😀 i am so tempted! if only i had more time in my life to give these great challenges justice. in the meantime i shall content myself with enjoying your great takes on each letter, which are truly inspiring! 🙂


  40. thanks to Gina,
    she gave me a fresh motivation,
    to start a blurb book project again:
    – with a new (photo free) concept:
    focus on words … courier new, 12 pix …


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