Story Challenge: Letter “D”

Hi Bloggers! Do you have to share a story or a short reflection tagged with the letter “D”? For example I’ve written about DANCING or DOLPHINS, about DARWIN or DESIGN, sang some blues about DIAMONDS or DISSATISFIED ladies, wrote about darkness or deserts, death and differences, doors and docks, dogs and dandelions, dolphins, donkeys and Dubrovnik, Disco Queens or Dragon Boat Races, documents and departures, the divided world or design developments, dreams and desires, distant-points-of-view, Dubai or disasters, dialogs and ducks – I’m sure you’ll find an own story or a short reflection tagged with “D”! Feel free to add in the comments the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “D”!!!


Tango - Um sentimento que se dança
photo by Lídia Ramalho; title=”Tango – Um sentimento que se dança”
– click on the picture to enter her flickr galleries

my “D” story / short reflection / comment tagged with “D”:

Nowadays they do not dance together anymore. Some march bouncing and venomously. Others are creeping horrified. The social gaps grow. Not only financially but also via body language! Gustave Flaubert once wrote: “One does not dance today any more; one marches, winds himself etc. ” When I was young, in the sixties (1961), the drummer Sandy Nelson had a hit with “LET THERE BE DRUMS!”. Paul Cardin, Canada, features on his flickr photostream an inspiring video with that song: Dance if no one would see you. Lay down your burden and: DANCE!

THE CREATURE, the dance… Originally uploaded by Never Was An Arrow II

once, in the sixties, I heard Sandy Nelson and his “Let there be drums” – and we danced, danced, danced; danced like no one could see us, reaching trance at least;
short print version + The “D” Archive + The “D” Challenge + dancing-marching-creeping + tango-is-a-lifestyle