Dialogue with Argentina

It’s a great chance, that bloggers and photographers are able to have dialogues in these modern times so quickly: Some decades ago it was not so easy to find each other. So Claudio Mufarrege from Argentina discovered my autobiography at https://flickrcomments.wordpress.com/2011/04/06/german-biography/ and kindly wrote: “I really admire the strength and the determination that have led you to be yourself, my friend. I really admire you, Dietmar…” [June 14, 2012 at 8:46 pm] P.S.: I like the essays of the philosopher Hannah Arendt (Die Banalität des Bösen) about the trial vs. Adolf Eichmann in Israel; the man who adopted me, was a kind of Adolf Eichmann

The Long Goodbye (tribute to Raymond Chandler)
title=”The Long Goodbye” (tribute to Raymond Chandler) photo-composition by Claudio.Ar, click on the image to enter his galleries on Flickr

my reply to him: “Life is sooo long, dear Claudio! And so many things are happening in a lifetime. And I can’t forget too, dear friend Claudio in Argentina, that my daughter, aged 25, traveled alone from Ushuaia to Buenos Aires, sometimes on horses, sometimes walking, a wolf followed her, sometimes with old buses, sometimes with a TAXI for free: She made wonderful photos in Argentina featuring selfmade houses – she is an architect, on the one hand rational, but I am considering, what other moods she was feeling on that long trip …”

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

24 responses to “Dialogue with Argentina

  1. P.S.: thanks to 11,000 readers from USA, 3,914 from Germany, 312 from Argentina etc.
    – discover the visitor’s flag-counter on my frontpage https://flickrcomments.wordpress.com/


    • my life on another continent – seems to be without any horror – but it wasn’t
      click on the photo to enter my flickr photo galleries:
      places that hurt me
      for the first ten years of my life: a place that hurt me …

      German Biography

      P.S.: I like the essays of the philosopher Hannah Arendt (Die Banalität des Bösen) about the trial vs. Adolf Eichmann in Israel; the man who adopted me, was a kind of Adolf Eichmann


      • msamaclean / Melanie from USA, part German, part Cherokee, she kindly commented:
        “Through all that misery, you came out of it, you survived & became a strong, kind & talented man. I can’t imagine the hell you went through, but it eventually brought you here, to the flickr community . Yes, admire…that’s a good word….;-)”


    • hi Ineke / scrapydo, scrap book tutor:
      I like scrap books – to fix some autobiographical landmarks …

      Moleskine – still attractive


  2. Pingback: German Biography « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  3. When I began blogging I didn’t realise that I would meet so many wonderful people, it makes it very special!


  4. The blogging community is such a wonderful world to be in.



  5. Very impressive! Greetings, Cassie


  6. I went to your biography.
    Can just say that I admire you and the wonderful positiveness I see in your blogs


  7. Reblogged this on euzicasa and commented:
    I was very touched by this authenticity of this post, its truthfulness and sincerity, among people who live in real time, which happend to be my very thoughts, as I watch the orange star of my notification tool, lit, while I’m still working on my last post (like a boor bell, without a bell, but still noticeable). May be this is a form of democracy? If yes, go to the post and read it Thanks Frizztext!


  8. Your life hasn’t been easy, but it is admirable that you have come out of it stronger and without bitterness! Happy for you Fritztext.


  9. I’m so honoured Dietmar to have the chance of call you my friend and to be in communication across the distances with you.
    Yes, sometimes life seems to be so long Dietmar. Happiness are brief moments, but it are so intense moments that you want to treasure forever.
    My country is a fabulous country. And is a really BIG country. I have not had the luck to go their territory from one end to the other, but in Argentina you can find almost all climates, almost all soils, and landscapes from the tropics to the Antarctic, from the mountains to the ocean, the deserts to the rainforest. I’m glad you daughter was lucky enought to enjoy it … it’s another (beautiful) link that intertwines our two lives 🙂


  10. I agree with you. Blogging is awesome.


  11. Frizz, your few words and well-chosen photographs always say so much. That through such horrors does come strength, determination and goodness of spirit leaves us all to hope that deeper levels of understanding will eventually say more than the action of arms and munitions. Thank you so much for sharing the quiet depth of your generous spirit.


  12. An amazing survival story and strength (I just read your bio). The daily “corporal punishment” made me very sad.
    I’m glad to be one of those 11,000 readers from USA.


  13. Pingback: Father’s Day « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  14. I, too, am glad to be on of the 11,000 readers from the USA. You’re words always inspire me, through such suffering as a child you’ve become a man of great strength and heart, with many friends, including us bloggers. . . and even teach a guitar lesson or two. Thank you for sharing your story of friendship between you and Claudio.


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