Early Morning Cat

My cat Emily, waiting early in the morning, that I wake up and open the garden door. As usual, she wants to serve some mouse for breakfast to me, after guarding my dreams at the end of my bed the whole night long.

my night cat …

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About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

12 responses to “Early Morning Cat

  1. Looks like she’s ready to pounce! Better let her out! Nice looking cat btw.


  2. Jackie Paulson 1966

    I live for my cats, and I love how cute Emily is, so how did you come up with the name? I have Wiley and Dee.


    • Emily from Emily Dickinson – but originally her name was Amelia, she comes from Italy. Our son in law found her new born under a car in Padova, Italy. Now she is living in Germany …


      • Jackie Paulson 1966

        I admire you for all of this. I have a black cat (DEE) whom the owners
        neglected and when I got him, you could see his rib cage. So now,
        well lets just say He is fat and happy. 🙂


        • Dickinson – in German DICK means FAT. so we have to smile, when we call her Mrs. Dickinson – it’s like Miss FAT – but we are glad, she can’t understand German enough – and is happy not to have a RIB CAGE 🙂


  3. Why doesn’t she understand German? Isn’t she a local girl? 🙂


  4. I have 5 cats
    each of them are coming in a curious way to my house

    here you can see one of them:
    i did nothing
    the eyes of the young cat maki

    and so she is to see now:
    i will eat you, mouse

    have a fine time with cats


  5. Jackie Paulson Author

    awww thanks for this Frizztext and the link.


  6. Oh, I love this. Glad to see you also enjoy Moscow Cat Theatre …


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