
“I wonder what the Buffalo think about this…” comments the photographer himself, Steven Ford, who made this shot during the Antelope Island Balloon Stampede – click on the photo to find more of this event. The Buffaloes, earth bound and heavy, maybe never had the wish to fly. Not my cat! She is very jealous on birds! She climbs up to the top of the biggest tree in the garden, to feel like bird, high above. My favorite writer, the scientist Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1744 – 1799) wrote in his notebook: “They will forget our names, remembering the names of the inventors of aircrafts…” Yes, I have to admit, Montgolfiere, Wright, Otto Lilienthal are well known. Except in the communities of Buffaloes. They are masters of ignoring …

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About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

12 responses to “Developments

  1. Pingback: Ignorance « Flickr Comments

  2. I have been to where the Buffalo Roam in Wyoming and I found as long as you stay out of their business they stay out of yours. They are not impressed with human developments.


  3. compare my tough friend
    in my hometown Wuppertal:


  4. He probably doesn’t care… as long as it doesn’t interfere with his grazing. lol!


  5. Pingback: Ignoring as a method « Flickr Comments

  6. Pingback: Cats & Dogs « Flickr Comments

  7. Pingback: Point of view « Flickr Comments

  8. Pingback: the D archive « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  9. Pingback: Lichtenberg’s Waste Books | Flickr Comments

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