German Biography

FrizzText Presseschau
a German Biography (me, frizztext):

1. Born 1945. My mother, Edith Klingbeil, left me in an orphanage, three weeks old (92% of those babies died at that time in the post-war Germany under such a treatment);

2. First ten years in the urban jungle of Wuppertal, Germany, daily corporal punishment in several cellars many years, always at the same time: clock 19.00 – by the people, who adopted me: Erwin and Luise Fritze

3. Teenager period in a small country town, learning old Latin, Greek, Hebrew, maths, physics…

4. Was forced to join the army, but managed to quit the job.

5. Studied theology, but then managed again to quit the job.

6. Married my wife Barbara, a photographer.

7. We got two daughters, I did earn the money by teaching.

8. Wrote a book on:
“The perseverance of the philosophers”

9. Threw away my old typewriter, started to write on a PC in the world wide web – trying to improve my English to get feedback from outside, leaving my German horizon

10. Wrote for amazon (de,, ca, com) as “frizztext” book reviews, topics: philosophy, politics, fine arts, photography

11. Made (together with my wife Barbara) a trip to New York: to become an instant lover of photography there (thanks to our Jewish friends, Joe and Ursel Winter, who had managed to escape to New York, leaving the third Reich 1940)

12. Played Gypsy jazz guitar, escaping my German orthodox cultural box.

13. Found after 40 years of searching my mother Edith behind the iron curtain in the eastern part of Germany; (she made suicide, after I went back to West Germany again)

14. Fell ill, forced to quit my job; retired…

15. Our daughters, now grown up, are living in big German cities (Berlin, Munich) as an architect or a banker; now we have 4 grandchildren, maybe a little bit influenced by me and my wife, maybe not at all.

16. I am trying for the rest of my life to relax and write

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

26 responses to “German Biography

  1. Nice to meet you Frizztext!

    The ‘Unbeschwertheit’ principle is a great way 🙂


  2. A bad start for you in life Frizztext, but you did ok in spite of it!


  3. Wolfgang Hermann

    besser würde “gelassenheit” oder “abgeklärtheit” zu deiner lebensgeschichte passen

    lg wolfgang


    • gelassenheit (heidegger) und abgeklärtheit (seneca) hoffe ich, schon erklettert zu haben, das nächst-höhere ziel wäre unbeschwertheit (herbert marcuse) – das internet hilft mir dabei – die reale umgebung beschwert …


  4. Thanks for posting this. A very rough start for you in this life. I hope you find carefree nature in this part of your life.


  5. Thanks for the bio in brief and my sympathies over your mom… You have had quite the life!


  6. impressive, tough! hut ab!


  7. I had a relatively very easy outing in life, until now at least. I admire people like you who have faced and survived difficulties. But do enjoy your post-retirement life.

    Destination Infinity


  8. Pingback: The G Archive « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  9. I really admire the strength and the determination that have led you to be yourself, my friend. I really admire you, Dietmar.


    • life is sooo long, dear Claudio! And so many things are happening in a lifetime. And I can’t forget too, dear friend Claudio in Argentina, that my daughter aged 25 traveled alone from Ushuaia to Buenos Aires, sometimes on horses, sometimes walking, a wolf followed her, sometimes with old buses, sometimes with a TAXI for free – she made wonderful photos in Argentina featuring self made houses – she is an architect …
      I adore your photo messages and compositions!
      The Long Goodbye (tribute to Raymond Chandler)
      title=”The Long Goodbye” (tribute to Raymond Chandler) by Claudio.Ar


  10. Pingback: Dialogue with Argentina « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  11. Pingback: Father’s Day « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  12. Despite your background, you have become marvelously accomplished. I love the format of your biography. Funny—I just wrote a new one in similar, prose-type manner. Still polishing it up but posting soon.


  13. A life described that touches the hearts of all who read this.
    You have managed to live your life despite the adversities.
    Peace and blessings to you, Frizz. Thanks for sharing.


  14. What a powerful story, F.T..
    it sounds like you have experienced many painful things in your life… and your triumph over them speaks volumes about your character.
    Wishing you complete and total “Unbeschwertheit”, Frizz…


  15. Dear Frizz, I do not know what to say . . . to live through our days and give of ourselves to others, how generously you have done so.


  16. Pingback: Stasi Museum – History Of Oppression « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  17. That is some read. What a hellish way to have lived as a child. I am so glad that you have been able to get past all of the abuse. I am sure though that you have not forgotten and that you have psychological scars. I greatly admire your photos. Beautiful work.



  18. Ich weiß gar nicht was ich schreiben soll, außer – ich bin sprachlos. Alles Gute!


  19. Pingback: cats, music and theology | Flickr Comments

  20. ShimonZ from Jerusalem replied:
    In my effort to get to know you Dietmar, I read through a lot of your older posts. Got to know a bit of your tastes, and how you feel about certain things. There were times when I agreed with you, and times when I didn’t. I’m sorry that comments are closed on a lot of these old posts. There were things I wanted to say to you… But I suppose it doesn’t matter that much. Because there were also some things… maybe the most important things… that I wouldn’t have written anyway, because these pages are open to all, and the most important things are the most personal things. I was glad that I found the German biography though. It explained a lot of what I was looking for. And it made me realize that we have certain scars in common.


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