
escribiendo en tablilla
Originally uploaded by faelius

to write, to communicate, to make photos – we should be glad, that the great technology developments of the last twenty years helped us so much, to make it easier and quicker to distribute our thoughts world wide … – yes: the world wide web is a great chance for writers!
Seit der Erfindung des Buchdrucks durch Gutenberg hat es nicht mehr eine solch Freiheit schaffende Revolutionierung der Kommunikations-Prozesse gegeben wie die durch das World Wide Web ermöglichte. Eine grandiose Erleichterung für Demokratisierungsprozesse, geistigen Fortschritt, Befreiung aus Meinungs-Bevormundung, Kleingeisterei …

title=”finales” by sish ·, on Flickr
compare to the topic “freedom of speech“:




interview with the founder of wordpress, Matt Mullenweg:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

26 responses to “Writers

  1. Pingback: Kikeriki « Flickr Comments

  2. http://deathgleaner.wordpress.com/2009/08/26/why-i-really-hate-wikipedia-administrators/
    I think it is better, to write in a personal style.
    so I’ve chosen to write in my blog,
    not for wikipedia …


  3. deathgleaner



  4. in a discussion I’ve written:
    I like the passage:
    you are writing for your community, whether it be the one that surrounds you, sympathetic souls on the other side of the world, or people who won’t be born for a thousand years. You may be published or not (or only in a minor way), but what counts are your words (not you) and the healing they bring…
    I hope to bring some healing too, yes. and if it does not heal others, it heals at least me. having said + written something, makes me satisfied, soothes my soul, produces an empty table and I can start to make new things …


  5. at Elizabeth’s BLOG I said:

    you wrote: I have met people from every possible country in the world. It has exposed me to many brilliant, funny, kind, insightful, talented, and, in some instances, truly crazy folk.
    I say: YESSS! and it has changed me, helped to see more than my own cultural box. comparing cultures makes wise …


  6. frizz: the net brings our communities so much closer together…& thanks for the work you’re doing to encourage this! RT


  7. related:
    comment for ELIZ at
    10 Responses to Our Attitude: The Last of the Human Freedoms…

    frizztext | 27/01/2011 at 12:04 am | Reply

    much better than the quotations, dear Eliz, is, what you are writing as the first one (I think it is expressed by you very well):
    you wrote, and that helps to find my own way faster:

    As bloggers, we give from our hearts what, at the time give, seems best and valuable and then we give some more and more… The work never ends and we enjoy it too. One of the things I love about blogging is that we can come back later and add or edit our shared thoughts. We can re-frame our content to address comments or views from our friends; all this makes the process organic and fun…


  8. http://kwheft.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/mein-liebster-blog/#comment-407
    hallo Astrid,
    wichtiger als der Bekanntheitsgrad für mich ist, dass ein Artikel, den ich zusammenfüge aus Fotos, Texten, Links und Videos, – dass der mir einfach selberf Spaß macht; und das Endprodukt möglichen Lesern auch …
    Ich finde man darf sich nicht zum Sklaven der Bekanntheitssucht machen lassen. Ich stand zum Beispiel mal auf Platz der amazon-Rezensenten (unter 100.000 Mitbewerbern). Ich merkte, dass da ein ziemliches Mobben losging und habe aufgehört, dort weiterzuschreiben. Mit Bedauern stelle ich fest, dass in der Zwischenzeit (ist 5 Jahre her und ich bin gerutscht auf Platz 14) andere, die in die Top Ten gerieten, ziemlich gehässigen Angriffen ausgesetzt waren. Das ist die Sache gar nicht wert …


  9. Pingback: Topics « Flickr Comments

  10. related:
    I need the Internet because it gives me daily a short time the feeling to be free.
    Local oppressions and mind control activities are sometimes hard …


  11. saw a great DREAM book sculpture there:
    maybe books again in a human hand will remain,
    when electricity is no more available …


  12. Jackie Paulson 1966

    Thanks for the Dream Book connect, and link. I love this guys art work.


  13. related:

    [1: 185 of 10,000] Knowledge

    “A knowledge that isn’t use is like pouring water on to a pulled tree that will never grow and will just go rotten. The beauty of knowledge is to use it to recreate a beautiful thing…”


  14. Pingback: Pics + Posts 1-10 « Flickr Comments

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