Cathedral Projects

Overview of the Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada...

Image via Wikipedia

Originally uploaded by Loutseu

It’s not a big problem for an Antoni Gaudí to build a cathedral like the Sagrada Familia – you can proof that in Barcelona. If you’re not able to finish the project in your own lifetime, you can transfer the problem to the next following generations – if you have patience and perseverance. Gaudí started 1882 and today there are still big cranes working. Don’t know, if he smiles, looking down on us from heaven. If you prefer faster solutions, those, you can enjoy in your own lifetime, imitate Loutseu / Gallois Lou: put some wine bottles upside down and let your macro camera creep in the cathedral cave; let the sun shine in – and your cathedral maybe is a better experience than the very expensive project of Gaudí. I think, everybody can construct an own low budget table top cathedral – if you are a wine-drinker…


Man muß sich große Ziele setzen – wie zum Beispiel den Bau einer Kathedrale. Wenn die Verwirklichung zu eigenen Lebzeiten nicht gelingt, reicht vielleicht ein modellhafter Entwurf, um nachkommende Generation zu beflügeln, an der Realisierung beharrlich weiter zu schuften. Es gibt allerdings Ziele, die sich nachfolgende Generationen nicht mehr um den Hals zu hängen beabsichtigen. Insofern weist unser Globus mittlerweile vielerorts verlassene Areale auf, nicht nur materielle Bauruinen, sondern auch manch geistiges Waterloo …

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter