Cat Personalities

i will eat you, mouse

Cats have character, have a personality. They ain’t simple dogs. They are gurus. They have magic. They are yoga teachers. Do you need a good coach, because you want to practice effective meditation? Hire a sophisticated cat Sphinx! Everytime, when I need some hypnosis to feel better, I upload the portrait, large sized, of the black devil cat MAKI, who lives in the same house as my flickr friend Wolfgang Hermann, Graz, Austria. Every midnight, struck 0:00, following my good old BIG BEN surrogate counting to twelve I stare in the eyes of cat MAKI. Perfect, effective hypnosis! After a while my wife comes in, silently closing my laptop. I’m sleeping. No drugs needed. The companion of cat Prof. Dr. Sigmund Maki, my flickr friend Wolfgang told me, that the black portrait does not show how Maki actually is looking. Something has changed: 5 cats lived there in the house in Graz, Austria. But one morning a neighbour brought one of them, killed by a fast driving automobile, back home and gave the frozen body into the hands of Wolfgang. Cat Maki watched this – and all the hairs turned grey! Cats are fighters, gurus, heroes – but sometimes very sensible too!!!

cat’s morning rites
cat music
cats’n dogs
Below some more cat personalities: some are guarding the sink in the bath, others are saying hello to the goldfishes (my cat Emily), others have their challenge by testing various methods of fighting vs. dogs, others even learned how to play a piano (Norah at youtube)!
F = Fishtank (my moose, my fishes, my cat)
photo of Emily + the goldfishes by frizztext
Stinky discovers the sink.....IMG_0928
photo of Stinky in the bath sink by Melanie

Crazy cat attacking dog at youtube:

CATcerto. ENTIRE PERFORMANCE. Mindaugas Piecaitis, Nora The Piano Cat at youtube:

Cat mom hugs baby kitten at youtube: