Women’s Day

woman's day

title=”woman’s day” by chertichego = Nastia in Russia

In Germany we use the phrase “tomatoes on the eyes” to indicate that someone closes his eyes to important insights. That he does not want to admit something that is quite obvious – for others. You have to have two tomatoes fixed on your eyes, not to see, that in most countries of the world the work of women is paid worse than men’s work. Feminists have pointed out that time and again. Comparing the European countries with Germany the equality of women is not very good in my country. Women at work are still paid less than men. Few women in leadership positions can be found. Traditional patriarchal society? No chances to change? As a father of working daughters (architect, banker) I follow with interest the debate about the right to equal pay in the workplace. “Chertichego” set online the tomato-portrait on the International World Women’s Day. Since then, I remember (when I see a tomato) the unequal pay for women – and the lack of women in leader positions.