Tagged G

Tuesday’s A to Z challenge: “G”


Event Type: General Blogging

Start Date: Tuesdays, recurring weekly

Description: Every Tuesday I offer the “A to Z challenge”, walking step by step through the alphabet.
Last week we had the “tagged F”-challenge, so this week we’ll create a new turn with “G” – I’m sure you’ll also find a photo, a story or a music title tagged with “G”! Feel free to add in the comments below the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “G”!!! Myself I’ll focus on “Georgia”:


GlennP from Florida added (via wikiloops, creative commons) the vocals to my soundcloud-track 82: me on guitar with my very talented friend Luzz on keyboard (accordion, bass, vibraphone); first title: “Galloping through Georgia”, now titled by Glenn: “Georgia Girl”

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

55 responses to “Tagged G

  1. Pingback: A-Z Challenge: “G” | Edge of the Forest

  2. Pingback: [Photo Journal / A-Z Photo Story Challenge] G is for Glorious Golden Glow of Sunrise |

  3. Gee, there are a lot of G’s. A whole string of them. That’s right a G string! OK, I’ll stop talking about guitars. Back to Georgia Girl, which brings me to Georgia On My Mind by Hoagie Carmichael, which I’ve posted before as it’s one of my favorites.http://bumbastories.wordpress.com/2013/07/23/georgia-on-my-mind-2/
    And not to forget Sweet Georgia Brown, which I hope to at least partially master by the end of next spring..


  4. I heard a small gap in the mix between rythm of guitar and drums. It’s not easy to mix that but the song is good 🙂


  5. Pingback: Gorilla Guards in Virunga | Tish Farrell

  6. Great and gallivanting start to G-tagged day, Frizz. Here are my GORILLAS – or rather Graham’s gorillas: http://wp.me/pKVAM-yb


  7. Pingback: G for Gehry (Frank) and the Fred and Ginger Building | TRAVEL WORDS

  8. Good day to you Frizz, my architecture for G is slightly unusual, though sadly I don’t have a Gaudi
    😦 http://wp.me/pL5Ms-131
    Jude xx


  9. Pingback: Frizztext’s A to Z challenge: G is for Gubbio | WordsVisual

  10. Hello Frizz, here’s my G, the Italian town of Gubbio in Umbria: http://suejudd.com/2014/02/18/frizztexts-a-to-z-challenge-g-is-for-gubbio/


  11. Pingback: G for Grocer’s Guild | eljaygee

  12. http://eljaygee.wordpress.com/2014/02/18/g-for-grocers-guild/#comment-4097
    hi Laura,
    in those centuries in Germany one of my ancestors nearly were burned:

    Witchcraft Trial


  13. Pingback: A-Z Challenge: G | Beyond the Brush

  14. G was a little more difficult but I succeeded, with my husband’s help … http://lynneayersbeyondthebrush.wordpress.com/2014/02/18/a-z-challenge-g/


  15. Pingback: G is for… Gymnosophist | Travel with Intent

  16. What fun – isn’t the internet an amazing thing? Used in the right way it can unify people across the world. Here is my slightly risque G – no G strings here 😉 http://travelwithintent.com/2014/02/18/g-is-for-gymnosophist/


  17. Pingback: A-Z Challenge: G | Getting the Picture

  18. Pingback: TAGGED: “G” – GLASS | Francine In Retirement

  19. Here is my entry. Glass http://wp.me/p23TG1-3×3



  20. Pingback: Tagged G: Gardening | dadirridreaming

  21. hi Frizz, at last I can join in again, at least with G … a gorgeous gourmet letter to celebrate … with Gardening 🙂 http://dadirridreaming.wordpress.com/2014/02/20/tagged-g-gardening/ I love your architecture shot, awesome!


  22. Pingback: Tuesday’s A—Z Challenge: Tagged “G” | Ohm Sweet Ohm

  23. Allan G. Smorra

    Here is my entry for this week’s challenge: http://wp.me/p24idL-1Rf


  24. Pingback: Tagged G–GREED | ADRIFT in AFTERTHOUGHTS

  25. Pingback: A-Z Challenge-GG | WoollyMuses

  26. Pingback: tagged “G” | Across the Bored

  27. So true your words about “everything that slows us down and forces patience”: We always seem to be trying to get ahead of ourselves and February is an especially cruel month for reminding us of what lies ahead.. Here’s to a new week! Please have a look at

    tagged “G”


  28. Pingback: Tagged H | Flickr Comments

  29. Pingback: Tagged G–Second Go | ADRIFT in AFTERTHOUGHTS

  30. Pingback: Garden View | Tricia Booker Photography

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