Tagged F

Tuesday’s A to Z challenge: “F”


Event Type: General Blogging

Start Date: Tuesdays, recurring weekly

Description: Every Tuesday I offer the “A to Z challenge”, walking step by step through the alphabet.
Last week we had the “tagged E”-challenge, so this week we’ll create a new turn with “F” – I’m sure you’ll also find a photo, a story or a music title tagged with “F”! Feel free to add in the comments below the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “F”!!! Myself I’ll focus on “FRISCO”:


I like to play finger style acoustic guitar inspired by the old blues masters of the Mississippi Delta 1920-1940. I’m happy, that the harp player Gernot (Hamburg) and bass-player jmrukkers (Zurich) often collaborate by remixing and adding their talents to my solo guitar tracks on soundcloud or wikiloops.

title=”Timeless” – photo by Geoff Quinn, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT!, click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr.com

I got the blues when my baby
left me down by the Frisco Bay;
An ocean liner came and took her away.
I didn’t mean to treat her bad,
she was the best gal I ever had;
She said good-bye, made me cry,
Made me wanna lay down my head and die…


San Francisco Bay Blues

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

58 responses to “Tagged F

    • hi Naomi,
      thank you for your little story around a metaphor “In The Ecclesiastical History of the English People he compares a person’s life to the flight of a sparrow…”


  1. Muy, muy bella.
    Thanks my friend.


  2. Fats Suela

    That is a beautiful photo, Frizz! Maybe one day I’ll be able to take a good bridge picture… We are celebrating Valentine Week special over at GatheringBooks! I’m sharing a collaborative post for today’s A-Z Photo Story Challenge. I have a few words to share with you, plus a little something on the side. Here’s F is for Five Words and Four Loves. =)


    • thank you for “I have asked permission from a few real-life friends as well as fellow photo enthusiasts on Instagram to bring life to Levithan’s lyrical entries. I hope you like this beautiful collaborative post, and I wish you all a lovely Valentine’s week!” P.S.: F is for Fats (as it is M for Myra).


  3. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Story Challenge] – F is for Five Words and Four Loves |

  4. Mirada

    BEAUTIFUL shot of the bridge!!


  5. Pingback: A-Z Challenge: “F” | Edge of the Forest

  6. Very pleasing to the ear.


  7. Pingback: Frizztext’s A to Z Challenge: F is for Fox Amphoux | wordsvisual

  8. Great shot of the bridge, Frizz. And I lved that music… Here’s my entry http://suejudd.com/2014/02/11/frizztexts-a-to-z-challenge-f-is-for-fox-amphoux/


  9. Pingback: F for Felbrigg Hall (Fiolbrygga) | TRAVEL WORDS

  10. Lovely Frisco bay blues and bridge! here’s mine this week: http://wp.me/pL5Ms-12Q
    Jude xx


  11. Pingback: A-Z Challenge-FF | WoollyMuses

  12. Pingback: TAGGED “F” – FIREMEN | Francine In Retirement

  13. Enjoyed your photo and music. Here is my entry, Firemen and fire engines. http://wp.me/p23TG1-3sX



    • F for Francine! P.S.: you’ve found wonderful words describing a fireman’s job: “…He is responsive to a child’s laughter because his arms have held too many small bodies that will never laugh again…” – the first fireman who came in my life rescued me from a roof I had climbed up too, aged 7, the roof was from a destroyed, bombed house after the war in Germany, there was no way down, because the staircase broke down. I remember the many people down on the street and the newspaper photographers, staring up to me and the fireman, if he would manage his task… – I have to thank you for this soothing flashback into my past, Francine…


  14. Pingback: A-Z Challenge: F | Beyond the Brush

  15. Pingback: “Me and my Father…” | ilargia64

  16. Hi Frizz!
    This is something I have been keeping for you!

    “Me and my Father…”

    Hope you like it!


  17. Pingback: F is for… Fun and Fierce | Travel with Intent

  18. I love that atmospheric photo. I have something Fun and Fierce: http://travelwithintent.com/2014/02/11/london-eye-orange-valentines/


    • hi Debbie,
      thanks for the information: “It is the one car on the London Eye that is not silver. This bright orange is in honour of the current sponsor of the Eye, EDF Energy…”


  19. Pingback: Frizz A to Z challenge: “F” is for Fountain of the Four Rivers | The World Is a Book...

    • hi Amy,
      thank you for “the fountain symbolize
      what were considered the world’s four greatest rivers:
      the Nile,
      the Ganges,
      the Danube
      and the Rio de la Plata…”
      I only swam in the rivers
      Wupper and
      oh no, I forgot the
      Umpachene river:
      me, quite Housatonical


  20. I love the Golden Gate Bridge. The best shots I think are taken underneath it when you take a cruise. Love the fog element and the poem is wonderful.


  21. Pingback: Frankie and Johnny and Frizz’s F challenge | Every Day Another Story

  22. Terrific effing music by fingerpickin’ Frizz et al. Tags for F abound. My most frequently used tag is Folk Music. i found this folk song, Frankie and Johnny and posted it again too.


    • hi Stephen (Bumba), very appreciated how you always make so much efforts to describe the historical backgrounds of songs! I’ve learned a lot details from you. You amused me today with your comment “This week’s letter is F. Frizz (hey, Frizz begins with F!) just asks that you send in a post that is tagged with the letter F. It’s that simple. (And don’t use the F word, please! I know that may be hard for some of you, but do your best)…” P.S.: today I’m learning (and recording) on my guitar: “The duck’s yas yas yas”; I believe it’s about sex (without using the forbidden F word).


  23. Awesome bridge photo, Frizz. Love the song too. 🙂


  24. Pingback: Fishing in Florida | Tricia Booker Photography

  25. Pingback: A-Z Challenge: F | Getting the Picture

  26. Pat

    What a coincidence that today I will be looking for fabric for a quilt I’m working on.

    F is for Favorite Fabrics


  27. Pingback: tagged “F” | Across the Bored

  28. Good Monday morning! My First Few ideas for the F challenge were not Family Friendly so I’ve been a good girl with this… please have a look at

    tagged “F”


  29. Pingback: Tagged G | Flickr Comments

  30. Pingback: Georgia On My Mind Again and Frizz’s Alphabet Challenge | Every Day Another Story

  31. Pingback: Homepage

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