
Every Tuesday, step by step, I’m walking with my readers from A to Z, last week we had the “L”-challenge, so this week we’ll take “M” – I’m sure you’ll also find a a photo, a story or a music title tagged with “M”! Feel free to add in the comments below the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “M”!!! Myself I’ll focus on the subject “Malala’s Speech”:


Malala‘s speech: “One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.”
big small
title=”big small” – photo by jelens = Helena, Barcelona
comment by Nia, Turkey:
“Malala’s speech is great and so true too but then I should ask these points, (because of the experience right now in my own country and makes me worry about the future)
1) who is the teacher? or Who will be the teacher? or Is the teacher right person?
2) which book… ?
3) what kind of education?
4) what is education? according to who… or another question or point education is for all human… ?”
FRIZZ reply:
dear Nia,
instead of the Koran I would offer to read my article about KANT: flickrcomments: immanuel kant – 1724 – 1804 especially the quote: “A religion, which makes humans dark, is wrong…” – that is a sentence good to consider for every nation, every religion, every female or male person – and not an indoctrination by one specific nation, religion, male power clique etc.
A-Z Archive
I'm part of Post A Day 2013

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

69 responses to “MMM-challenge

  1. And the article on Kant was excellent. As for my own education, which was secular, my teachers, especially early on, were none too wonderful. And I think I learned little in school. The schools my own children went to, again secular, public schools, were far far inferior to the ones I remember. So let us not bank too much on the educational systems of our societies. A man must learn to think, to consider evidence, to try to understand things. Kant was correct.


  2. Looking for some M posts I saw this one about Money. It’s a Brownie McGee and Sonny Terry song If you lose your money.


  3. Hi Frizz, i truly believe that education can truly help change the world … but then, it must translate into the heart not only live in the mind as knowledge. and my entry please:



    Look forward to these Frizz !

    Monstrous Moment of the Mesmerizing Mirror.


  5. Malala’s story is truly inspiring. Here’s my M contribution this week, Frizz: Men in Uniform (Budapest Version).


  6. M! I’m a fan of Malala. I don’t think money is evil. It’s inanimate. It’s paper and coins. The worship of money is evil. But we’re jumping to W now, are we not?


  7. is it the “religion” or the way some people teach the religion to keep power, that make the humans dark?
    Of course, we can think about the purpose of religions and how they evolved with times….
    For some people, the new religion is “Weapons” : See my post of 10AM today 😉


  8. Laura Bloomsbury

    Mammoth volume makes the other minute!


  9. Kant is great… Thanks dear Frizz, love, nia


  10. I love Kant´s quote, and I am glad you had a thought for Malala…:)


    • thank you

      Mr and Mrs: A New Marriage …

      for the Camus quote:

      “Don´t walk behind me; I may not lead.
      Don´t walk in front of me; I may not follow.
      Just walk beside me and be my friend”
      Albert Camus
      last week, as a guest of a wedding party, I wrote:
      “not the lack of love destroys the marriage,
      but losing the friendship” [Nietzsche]


  11. Amy

    Great post for the MMM Challenge! Here is mine for this week:


    • hi Amy,
      he is a genius architect! “To preserve the landscape of the mountains, Pei’s solution was to remove the top of the mountain where the museum was to be located; and after inserting the building, he wanted to replace the mountain along with 7,000 trees and other plantings…”


  12. Hooray for celebrating Malala!


  13. Caddo

    Education comes from many sources–school was not always the best, but I’m grateful nonetheless, as it taught me where else to look and learn. Hello Frizz–I’m terribly behind with your alphabet challenge, but determined to “steady on” and catch up! God bless you today–Caddo


  14. I have to be in agreement with Bumba and those like him that believe education in and of itself is not the frame work of the character of a human being. It is learning to think rather than to conform to the one thing taught and study (not just reading popular rhetoric).
    “A religion, which makes humans dark, is wrong…” Excellent


  15. so wise Frizz, Malala’s speech is something we should all remember and work towards … with the best illuminating teachers and books … here is mine …


    • “out with a new little camera,
      waterproof, shockproof etc,
      that I bought to take snorkelling
      in the Great Barrier Reef…” –
      thank you for sharing with us
      More Marvellous Mysteries!


  16. A strong post, Frizz, and leaves us with a lot to think about.
    I’ve taken a lighter road with my entry for MMM

    M is for…


  17. I love your MMM. Your pick of quote is excellent and the photo goes very well with it. Here is my MMM interpretation: mosaics.


    • hi Debbie,
      I like your: “…mosaic guard dog: A particularly good example can be seen in the vestibule of the House of the Tragic Poet…” – yes, I’m not a poet, only a blogger, do not have a dog guarding me, only a cat (and if a stranger comes, she hides in the bookshelf behind the largest books)


  18. – Frizz, my ‘M’ is “Making Eden: new patterns for living?” – About Cornwall’s Eden Project where they want everyone to understand that plants are key to human existence on this planet.


  19. Very profound quotes from both Malala and Kant. Real food for thought, Frizz


  20. Really true, only education can change the world.


  21. lisalday111711

    Here is my contribution to the lovely letter M


  22. Pat

    Frizz, do you remember the very old song, Mockingbird Song? I think Rosemary Clooney sang it. Anyway, here is the Mockingbird.

    M is for Mockingbird


    • thank you for the reminder to one of my favorite songs when I was a teenager taking my first dancing lessons! I saved it from the vinyl to my Grundig tape recorder, then to MD’s and musicassetts then converted that to digital for use on CD-roms – and now found some versions on youtube:

      Mockingbird – Carly Simon & James Taylor


      • Pat

        Love this and both James TAyler and Carly Simon but it wasn’t the one I was thinking of. The one I had going through my head had the lyric “Tweedly dum dum Iit gives me a thrill to wake up in the morning to the Mocking Bird song. It is way before our time.


        • I know there is another mockingbird song for children – and google also stumbled upon the movie who killed the mockingbird 🙂


          • P.S.:
            I heard the MOCKINGBIRD version on the radio, when I was in a haircutter’s saloon in Manhattan, 57th street – but they couldn’t tell me the names of the duett singers… 🙂 now I know, Carly Simon lives there in the neighbourhood and made some revival concerts in the Bryant park, 42nd street …


  23. Hi,

    My entry for MMM-Challenge is here.


    Thank you 🙂


  24. Can you believe it, Frizz? I’m on time!
    Many thanks for welcoming me to your challenge.


  25. Made it! Please have a look at

    MMM – Challenge


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