tagged R

Every Tuesday, step by step, I’m walking with my readers from A to Z, last week we had “Q” (visit tagged Q), so this week we have R – I’m sure you’ll find a story or a short reflection tagged with “R”! Feel free to add in the comments below the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “R”!!! Myself I’ll feature “R” for river stories:

River Stories

Some years we lived in a house down by the riverside. Every evening I made a little trip with my canoe. Once I noticed two ears looking out of the water. It was a just born calf fighting to survive. I stopped my journey and climbed (the calf on my back) up to the dry land. Mother cow stood there completely confused …
Georgetown, ME
click on the picture to enter the galleries of Barry Lubman, actually he is visiting Antarctic regions …
Georgetown, Maine (an island community located in midcoast Maine near Bath): I do not have a photo of my life rescue action in the Ruhr river, Germany, but Barry Lubman kindly gave the permission to me, to feature his photo from a yellow house at the Kennebec River, near Bath (and the 5 islands restaurant) – click on the picture, to enter Barry Lubman’s flickr gallery.
step by step I enjoyed more and more the comments of my readers. They often inspired me to dive deeper into a topic. The result now is a print edition “Fragments And Feedbacks” – 100 pages, only words, no photos, a “best of” (so far) out of more than 1,200 articles – if you are interested please visit http://www.blurb.com/books: fragments-and-feedbacks

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

84 responses to “tagged R

  1. vastlycurious.com

    What was your life rescue action Frizz?


    • I rescued the new born calf, it fell immediately after the birth into the river – it nearly drowned = an early death after living only some minutes – but then I came with my canoe and pulled the animal out of the deep water …


  2. what a great memory of seeing those ears and wondering what was there! that little calf probably told that story to the herd, and no one believed it! z


  3. Doris

    how beautiful


  4. elisaruland

    The story of your river rescue, along with the bright pops of yellow and red in Barry Lubman’s photograph made my heart sing.


  5. I love the contrast of the yellow house against the landscape.


  6. Amy

    Beautiful riverside photo, Frizz! A print edition “Fragments And Feedbacks” is a great idea.


    • dear Amy,
      maybe the print editions are too expensive but there is a cheaper PDF-download:
      it took a lot of time and work for me – for example the justify-design – but I’m happy to change the focus: no more photography but words only. I’m glad to remember now daily so many beautiful responses, comments, dialogues the readers of my blog sent to me – it’s an open project, under construction – blurb allows to produce not only books with 100 pages, even 400 pages are possible 🙂


  7. tell us about your life rescue action, Frizz … would love to read about it 🙂


    • I rescued the new-born calf, it fell immediately after the birth into the river – for a certain death – but then I came with my canoe and pulled the animal out of the deep water …
      water very often in my life played an important role … – you have been near water with your husband very often too! it’s soothing to be there, isn’t it?


  8. A lovely story and a beautiful photo. Well done FT!


  9. A river story. There’s Banks of the Ohio. I’ll check my library and see if I have something else.
    I found Rock Island Line, The Wreck of the FFV (well, wreck sonds like an r). The letter R has great connotations for me as well. Here’s Rock Island Line http://bumbastories.wordpress.com/2011/12/30/rock-island-line/


  10. We have many rivers for you. I enjoy your photos and stories, Frizz. Best from Ruth in Pittsburgh


  11. kz

    that’s an awesome story Frizz.. and that photograph is just so dreamy! 🙂

    this week, i’m sharing a Raw Recipe that’s Rare and Refreshing

    http://theeclecticeccentricshopaholic.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/tagged-r-raw-recipe-lato-seaweed-salad/ 🙂


  12. Hi Frizz! We have almost the same theme today! I have “river view” as well. 🙂
    Taken from our short day trip to Batam Indonesia. 🙂


  13. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Challenge] R is for River View |

  14. I love the calf rescue story, it will go down in your family history!


  15. What a wonderful share, Frizz! And I love the photo too. 🙂


  16. Pingback: tagged R … rainbow | bob's wife

  17. i immediately had something in mind for the tag this week, maybe you have featured it in the past A to Z reflections, but i hope i am able to add some new inputs to it if it had been, thank you, Frizz: http://alwaysbobswife.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/tagged-r-rainbow/


  18. I once lived by a river too. It was lovely and I miss it these days.

    Be well, Frizz.


  19. Pingback: Roses and Romance | Inside the Mind of Isadora

  20. This was oddly more difficult than the Letter Q. I decided on something that all woman love to receive; especially, from someone they love. Hope your enjoy it Frizz. I lived near the Hudson River for a short time in New York, Now, that is an experience. ~~~~ : – )
    Thaanks for the challenge.


  21. Pingback: tagged R for Recital | dadirridreaming

  22. Pingback: Tagged R: Renoir | The World Is a Book...

    • hi Amy,
      R = Renoir (1841–1919)
      “…I’m like a piece of cork
      thrown in the water
      and carried by the current…”
      maybe a photographer or
      a novelist sometimes feels
      the same state of mind …


  23. Pingback: TAGGED: “R” FOR ROCKEFELLER CENTER | Francine In Retirement

  24. What a wonderful memory! Here is my entry: http://wp.me/p23TG1-2Bm



    • hi Francine,
      Rockefeller Center “exhibition is made up of nine colossal stone figures that weigh up to 30,000 pounds each…” = great! Kind of Stonehenge or Easter Island sculptures …


  25. Love that scene.


  26. My goodness FrizzT what a touching and beautiful story of a rescue. Did you have to push water out of its lungs?


    • laid the calf on his side. they say you must do mouth to mouth breathing, but my mouth wasn’t large enough – but soon the farmer came running and helped me …


  27. HI Frizz,
    I love both the photo, and your painting of it. The colors are so striking! Here is my response to the letter ‘R.’ ‘R’ is for the village of Rye. http://naomibaltuck.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/tempest-in-a-teapot/


    • I like your fragment “…Stories live all around us. Some fall into our lap like ripened fruit from a tree. Others are hiding in nooks and crannies, waiting to be ferreted out. Often we are left to speculate over the missing details–not unlike trying to read tea leaves in the bottom of the tea cup. Who hid in the priest hole over the fireplace at The Mermaid Inn?”


  28. Pingback: The Letter R | AngelineM's Blog

  29. Good Wednesday morning to you Frizz. Roses seem to be a popular R, and I couldn’t resist; these are right outside my kitchen door http://angelinem.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/the-letter-r-2/


    • or: RED sails at the sunset by Fats Domino – maybe not as famous as “I never promised you a ROSE garden” by Lynn Anderson … – or who knows the RED RIVER ROCK?


  30. Pingback: Tagged “R” = Rivets | Ohm Sweet Ohm

  31. Allan G. Smorra

    Here is a link to my entry this week: http://wp.me/p24idL-1rD


  32. What a lovely calf story, Ft. So glad that baby was rescued. 🙂


  33. Pingback: 11:11 | Wondering Rose

  34. Hello FrizzT
    I joined this week’s challenge



    • hi Rosie,
      of course “R” is for Rosie.
      And because I saw your blue shoes:


      • Though I’ve shared photos of my hiking boots before this is the first time they’ve been given a gift of music and what an honor that it would be Elvis’s blue suede shoes. You’re so thoughtful. Thank you so much FrizzT. 😀 Such a treat to see Elvis in action.


  35. Pingback: R is for… Russian Resting Place of Renown | Travel with Intent

  36. Russian chess players, musicians and film directors –
    an exquisite Russian resting place:

    R is for… Russian Resting Place of Renown


  37. Story Challenge: Tagged “R”

    Rico was a Radical
    Rough and Ready from the start
    this Reggae Rocking Raconteur
    played Russian Roulette with her heart

    sell this poem as song lyrics to a rock’n roll band!


  38. Pingback: R is for Rio, Ramada, Rancho and More! | Zeebra Designs & Destinations

  39. Pingback: Tagged R: Reflection | A New Day

  40. Pat

    Here is one to reflect on. 🙂

    Tagged R: Reflection


  41. Pingback: RANUNCULUS FOR “R” « MY WALL

  42. Pingback: tagged S | Flickr Comments

  43. Pingback: Wild Weekly Photo Challenge: Movement / Robin | Creativity Aroused

  44. Beautiful photo of the river you traveled. “Fragments and Feedbacks” sounds like a great idea!

    Here is my submission for “R”:

    Wild Weekly Photo Challenge: Movement / Robin


  45. Pingback: tagged R: rescue | my sweetpainteddreams

    • A wonderful story, Elizz! Our cat was found as a baby under a car in an Italian City – Padova. Now she is aged 11 and the proud owner of a large sized garden (with some nightly cat visitors). Of course inside the house she owns everything too…


  46. Pingback: Story Challenge: Tagged “R” | Across the Bored

  47. Pingback: RRR Challenge | Flickr Comments

  48. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Challenge] R is for River View | Gathering Books

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