Moleskine Gallery

I still like paper though writing mostly digitally. But for my daily walk to my favorite café I always have a Moleskine notebook or similar diaries by paperblanks in my pocket. Recently I discovered (online) a wonderful gallery of drawings in Moleskine notebooks: Illustrations In Moleskine Notebooks!
cat patrol discovering my notebook collection …

notebooks archive

</2013 frizztext notebooks>
many of my paper notebooks are filled with aphorisms, philosophy, psychology, passwords, auto-biographical articles, addresses – and chords for my absurdest passion: fingerpicking guitar, played last night 3 a.m. when I couldn’t sleep:


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

32 responses to “Moleskine Gallery

  1. Frizz, those illustrations are spectacular! As for my Moleskin, I can safely say it will never be a work of art but I love it for my scribbling. Enjoy your coffee and scribing!


  2. I’m almost finished my current moleskin, and am interested to see the amazing selection of new journals out there…


  3. I usually carry a spiral notebook to write in. For a time, I tried carrying a sketchbook with me because so many people told me that I ought to draw in a sketchbook like that. After not opening it for a few days, I’d draw something, but it always felt like a chore. Finally, I ditched it.


  4. I love moleskins. I was just in a bookstore and wanted to buy them all. Now I just need to really start writing more.


  5. Allyson Mellone

    Or does she, your cat, feel in good company around the many moleskine? I sketch in them all the time 🙂


  6. The talent of some people just amazes me.
    Does your cat keep journals?
    I prefer paper journals also, but I am not a good artist, so I keep digital sketchbook journals on my iPad. (I make too many mistakes and have to erase too much. I would waste too much paper.) The app I really like and use the most is Paper by 53.

    Recently, I gave a good friend and artist a sketchbook journal as a gift. I purchased some thick decorative paper with beautiful designs in her favorite color, and made a book cover. She liked it so much that she wants to make book covers for her other journals.


    • “Does your cat keep journals?” – well I tried to give her enough motivation – but she takes to often a nap – even in sight of a little mouse, which came in the floor from the garden …


  7. I usually write my blog entries in random places — the back of an airline ticket, along the sides of a magazine page I torn out, on my smartphone’s notepad, or on a paper bag. I’ve thought of carrying around a notebook because the covers and pages are aesthetically pleasing, but I am afraid I may lose the book!


    • I started to write on “…the back of an airline ticket, along the sides of a magazine page I torn out… or on a paper bag…” – then, as I had a little money, I bought permanently Moleskine paper notebooks …


  8. I love notebooks and journals but like you most of my work is typed these days. My friend has made me a beautiful soft leather journal in red with gorgeous paper and its my next to use but my handwriting is so bad it seems like sacrilge for me to use it!


  9. My Tropical Home

    Moleskins are too expensive for me but I have notebooks for all kinds of things to write on; yet I still write a lot of important stuff on the back of receipts, billing statements and whatever else is lying nearby.

    Your finger-plucking was wonderful. It would go very well with a cup of coffee, a notebook and a quiet moment in any cafe. 🙂


  10. Writing in a journal is still my favourite way of writing too – love the feel of fresh, smooth paper on each page. fabulous sketches in the moleskins.


  11. Your picking always puts me in a good mood in the morning – great stuff in Design Taxi, fabulously funny drawings that I will have to enlarge to have a closer look at…. My own Miss Z loves her moleskins, now they even have specialized city versions…


  12. May we never stop writing. On paper. With a pen or a pencil.
    And thank you for the lovely (musical) notes to go with it 😀


  13. Irreplaceable, I think!


  14. Pat

    What a wonderful ditti. And I love journals and notebooks but don’t carry them because I travel so light. A small wallet in my pocket for money, credit card and drivers license. I don’t even carry a cell phone. So often I wish I had one of mine with me, though. Maybe you will be my inspiration.


  15. museconfuse

    I love cool looking notebooks and have some but can’t bear to use them! I know I should!


  16. Those are really amazing illustrations. Thanks for sharing, Frizz. I also love to write on paper, and to buy cool notebooks and pens.


  17. It’s a good thing you have th cat partol to watch over your journals. Those journals have lots of good information you wouldn’t want someone to use. hahaha
    I love journals. I have a difficult time resisting the purchase of them. But, sadly, I am a digital victim, too. I always use the excuse tha my handwriting is awful. I do write letter to friends on nice stationary.
    Great post, Frizz ….


  18. I love moleskin journals.:-)


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  23. Hahaha here I am back again!


  24. So enjoyed your fingerpicking, Frizz. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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