Take this hammer – criticizing jobs

below: me on my acoustic “Gitane” Gypsy guitar trying to perform Leadbelly’s TAKE THIS HAMMER – criticizing jobs with inhuman conditions…
close your eyes ...
LeadBelly / Huddie William Ledbetter (1888/01/20 – 1949/12/06) was an American Folk Blues singer, often prisoned, he had to work (with a big hammer) in chain gangs for the railroad companies. Sometimes he escaped running faster than the sheriff’s dogs. A governor and a book author helped him to leave jail for several performances – so we know for example his song TAKE THIS HAMMER – for me a great inspiration to criticize some jobs with inhuman conditions. Leadbelly’s song lyrics helped me when I couldn’t work anymore: “Take this hammer – carry it to the captain – tell him I’m gone! I don’t want your cornbread ‘n’ mo lasses – it hurts my pride / Oh Lord, it hurts my pride…”

the BEATLES also recorded a rocking version:


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

10 responses to “Take this hammer – criticizing jobs

  1. …very inspirational song for me too!


  2. that is so happy, and it takes my mind off of what’s happening on the gulf coast. thanks, i needed that! z


  3. Never heard that Beatles cover before. I like your version too.


  4. maybe today’s post is too depressive – so let’s escape from this mood entering a house full of music:

    found via

    2% Happier


  5. I normally love Beatles, but I can’t say this version sends me. I prefer yours.


  6. How I admire your taking up this theme of inhumane working conditions in your music, Frizz!


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