Samia Yusuf Omar died with boat people

Female Olympic sprinter from Somalia Samia Yusuf Omar (2008 Beijing, 200m) died with boat people near Sicilia, trying to reach the London Olympic Games

Cayuco con inmigrantes (Boat with subsaharian inmigrants).
title=”Cayuco con inmigrantes (Boat with subsaharian inmigrants). by Miguelángel
– click on the image to enter the photographer’s collection …


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

22 responses to “Samia Yusuf Omar died with boat people

  1. a tragic story, thanks for sharing it frizz


  2. I saw this story on the bbc site, so very sad.


  3. I had not heard this yet…
    very, very sad…


  4. This was news to me too. So sad.


  5. Such a tragic story. I was not even aware of this.


  6. What a terrible tragedy this was. Thanks for sharing, ft.


  7. To think that she and the others who died were all running for their lives. We take our freedom so much for granted.


  8. Wow; I get so little news aside from the top headlines; How in-congruent that such a vivid and colorful boat would be responsible for such tragic news. 😦


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