A-Z Archive: G! Challenge

This week’s topic for our A-Z ARCHIVE photo challenge: the “G” archive: introduce one photo of your own archive with a “G” keyword for example GREECE (like me) or GYM, GRASSHOPPER or GUITARIST, GHANA or GERMANY, GULL or GRAFFITI, GREY or GREEN, GORILLA or GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE, GIRLS or GHOSTS etc. – I’m sure you’ll find a picture… tag with “A-Z Archive” and put a link on your page to my site, so we’ll get a trackback-list including your post!

photo “G-Archive / GREECE” by Frizztext
this sort of (my) photography is too romantic (childish) to make an useful reality check related to the topic GREECE: we need more political photo journalism! or? compare greeks-protest-vs-austerity-measures
join our interactive gallery!


tag: “A-Z Archive
Challenge always on Tuesday !!!
feel free to add in the comments
the link to your own interpretation of A-Z!!!

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

107 responses to “A-Z Archive: G! Challenge

  1. Definitely not childish and you can’t be too romantic, it’s a great photo!


  2. Pingback: G! Challenge: Gambol (Footprints #2) | Creativity Aroused

  3. Greece! Such good memories from my honeymoon there many years ago.
    Here is my entry for this week:

    G! Challenge: Gambol (Footprints #2)


  4. Pingback: Golden; A-Z Archive: G Challenge « What about God?

  5. TBM

    Love the Greece photo. You need a little romance in today’s world and especially on Valentine’s day!


  6. Great minds think alike! I also put up a different part of Greece 🙂

    A-Z Archives: G Challenge


  7. Pingback: A-Z Archive: G Challenge (Girls) « Rois

  8. The sea is so clam and has dignity.


    • yes, dignity – I had the same feeling;
      on the other hand:
      on the ground of that volcano filled with water:
      rests a sunken cruise ship:
      – the Greek island SANTORINI is the top of a volcano!
      on the ground:
      the sunken cruise ship SEA DIAMOND;
      maybe too: the sunken culture of ATLANTIS …
      more than dignity –
      maybe uncanny, sinister, lurid …


  9. I’ve never been. I know I would go crazy taking photos there! Although, I go crazy taking photos anywhere, LOL! Margie


  10. Claudia

    Greece looks beautiful. Great photo.


  11. Pingback: A-Z Archive: G! Challenge…Glass « jeanne's blog…a nola girl at heart

  12. Do I put a link under the photograph, or what?


  13. I love the contrast of colors in your photo…and the steps leading the eye to the boat in the water!
    Here is my entry for the week…http://nolagirlatheart.wordpress.com/2012/02/14/a-z-archive-g-challenge-glass/


  14. Okay, I think I got this right. Let me know if I did it wrong. Anyway, here is my entry for ‘G’

    A-Z Archive: G Challenge (Girders)


    • GIRDERS:
      a new word for me – and one can take it metaphorical, or?
      we all need some girders for our life to feel safe?


      • LOL Just girders. Nothing metaphorical, only as you wish. 🙂

        Or are you speaking of Girdles?

        Sometimes I think I need to be hit upside the head with a girder to knock some sense into me.


        • girder for bridges (wood)
          girdles for girls (leather)
          in Germany we have the saying:
          water has no wooden girders
          (you can sink if you plan too risky projects)
          at least do not go out without a girdle –
          you could lose your trousers
          don’t laugh, you are motivating me
          to learn English
          greetings from Germany
          Wasser hat keine Balken.
          Alle Sprache ist schwer.


          • Well, I didn’t laugh, but I did smile.

            According to an online translation website,
            Wasser hat keine Balken. = Water has no bar.
            Alle Sprache ist schwer. = All language is difficult.
            Is that correct?

            You write English pretty well, I would say. 🙂


            • thanks for your translation of my German sayings:
              Water has no bar – but Jesus walked over the water
              – have I lost something in translation?


              • I’m not sure what you mean. What were you trying to translate? And how did Jesus enter the discussion? I’m just a little bit confused.


                • sorry, dear Cris, I did not want to confuse you; your websites’ name “the biblical apologist” made me think about Jesus; you should know, I’m influenced by Immanuel Kant and his enlightenment; I’m sure he asked himself the same; on the other hand, the German saying “water has no bar” maybe was not vs. the bible but a warning for sailors (nevertheless even sailors often tried to destroy ships – of the others…)
                  thanks to Cris, he inspired me to write now the post:

                  Nothing Is Safe

                  NOTHING IS SAFE


                  • Thanks for the explanation and the article, which clarified your above statement even further.

                    I, too, hope your daughter is on the mend and feeling well.


  15. Frizz, thank you for featuring Greece as your G archive post today. What a chaotic situation that poor, dear country is in! Let us focus powerful waves of love and care and any intervention any of us is capable of for the Grecians.


    • when I was in Greece on that island Santorini there were only two lavatories, one for male, one for female, in the airport. 70 women waited in a long line. they needed at least twenty more toilets there! another disaster: many ill animals on that island: only one vet for hundreds of donkeys and thousand dogs and thousands of cats. many with bad cancer growing in an eye – it was very sad. my skepticism grew… some of the hotel owners earned very much money on the other hand. seemed to be a matcho structure, without any empathy for the poor ones …


  16. Great post again: Delightful!


  17. Pingback: A-Z Archive: G Challenge « adjustingyourfocus

  18. Aw, Frizz, that’s awesome! One day, I will visit Greece. Beautiful shot. Wow.
    Here’s mine for the week:
    Hope ya like it. Happy Valentine’s Day, or night, rather. It’s 8:15pm here. 😉 *hug*


    • oh Carol,
      thank you for G = GUITAR GIRL!
      now my daughters are aged forty – and I was surprised, as they told me, the best I, as father, had given to them was the love to guitar playing; all my grandsons share this opinion …


      • GUITAR heroes Chuck Berry & Keith Richards – performing “Oh Carol”! did you know this track???

        and notice: nothing is perfect at the first trial – they start several times – even those guitar heroes!


  19. Oh my… I just said “wow” when I saw the pic. It’s very beautiful, Frizztext!
    I am loving your site, and so I added you on my blogroll, if you don’t mind 🙂


  20. Pingback: Nothing Is Safe « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  21. Pingback: A-Z Archive: G is for Gallery | heartfelt images

  22. the stone steps and brilliant whitewashing are wonderful, contrasting with the dark sea so far below ..it looks so inviting, definitely Greece … leave the political action to others this time 🙂 Here is mine http://wp.me/p296YA-2x


  23. Pingback: A-Z Archive: G is for Green « DiDi-licious

  24. Didi-licious posted G = GREEN, featuring a snail

    A-Z Archive: G is for Green

    frizztext comment:
    I once read, that these patient animals, SNAILS and SLUGS,
    are working for GOD to survey all countries exactly …

    God and the snails


  25. Pingback: H! Challenge: Harmony | Creativity Aroused

  26. Pingback: A-Z Archive: H! Challenge…Hummingbird! « jeanne's blog…a nola girl at heart

  27. Pingback: I! Challenge ….. & Meditation | Contemplative Eye

  28. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: A Glissade Down a Volcano « N. E. White

  29. Pingback: H! Challenge #2 | Contemplative Eye

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  31. Pingback: H! Challenge | Contemplative Eye

  32. Pingback: H! Challenge #3 | Contemplative Eye

  33. Pingback: H! Challenge #4 | Contemplative Eye

  34. Pingback: I! Challenge: Immaculate Iris | Creativity Aroused

  35. Pingback: I! Challenge #2 | Contemplative Eye

  36. Pingback: I! Challenge #3 | Contemplative Eye

  37. Pingback: I! Challenge #4 | Contemplative Eye

  38. Pingback: I! Challenge & Mindfulness Insight | MindMindful

  39. Pingback: J! Challenge: Steller’s Jay as a Japanese Woodblock Print | Creativity Aroused

  40. Pingback: J! Challenge #3 | Contemplative Eye

  41. Pingback: J! Challenge #2 | Contemplative Eye

  42. Pingback: J! Challenge # 4 | Contemplative Eye

  43. Pingback: J! Challenge #5 | Contemplative Eye

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  45. Pingback: K! Challenge #2 | Contemplative Eye

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  48. Pingback: L! Challenge #3 | Contemplative Eye

  49. Pingback: L! Challenge #4 | Contemplative Eye

  50. Pingback: M! Challenge | Contemplative Eye

  51. Pingback: O! Challenge | Contemplative Eye

  52. Pingback: P! Challenge « MindMindful

  53. Pingback: Pass Up Patches of Wet Cement?? | Contemplative Eye

  54. Pingback: Q! Challenge: Theo’s ‘Q’ Quest | Contemplative Eye

  55. Pingback: Q! Challenge: Theo’s ‘Q’ Quest | Contemplative Eye

  56. Pingback: S! Challenge: Serene SILK MOTH | Contemplative Eye

  57. Pingback: S! Challenge: Serene SILK MOTH « MindMindful

  58. Pingback: S! Challenge #2: Snapping Turtle!! « MindMindful

  59. Pingback: A-Z Archives: X (Tuesday Photo Challenge) « scrapydo

  60. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter “G” « Flickr Comments

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