Nietzsche and the horse

Nietzsche collapsed into a nervous breakdown when he, weeping, embraced a horse (hit by a coachman).
A winter horse
photo by Rafał Krauze The photographer Rafał Krauze comments in his flickr photostream:
“Horse, that I met some day in my city (Lublin, Poland), when he was pulling a cart with junks…”

FrizzText: The German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) collapsed into a strange nervous breakdown 1865 in Trieste by the fact that he, weeping, embraced a horse (hit by a coachman). Maybe NIETZSCHE, watching the horse with empathy, suddenly noticed the situation like a metaphor: NIETZSCHE grabbed a deep message via the eyes of the sad horse, realized, that his own life was nothing more than the servile life of a horse: punished and forced to pull the interests of dominating beasts. Read more in my essay about Nietzsche at The philosopher NIETZSCHE


Nietzsche Quotes

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

9 responses to “Nietzsche and the horse

  1. other photos by Rafał Krauze, Lublin, Poland
    Lonely in the grass... Samotny...


  2. What a brave horse! He/she must feel cold.


  3. So true, for so many, for genration after generation: the everlasting winter…the winter of our discontent for who who really were meant to be, or thought we were. Art as a way of life becomes even more so important. THanks Frezztext!


  4. Thanks for sharing the story. I love the horse photo.


  5. I grew up in North Dakota, so I’m not a huge fan of winter, but I’ve got to say… it really ‘makes’ that image… wonderful…


  6. thirdhandart

    Rafał Krauze’s photos are very beautiful!
    Was Friedrich Nietzsche an animal rights advocate? I’m not a member of PETA, but I can’t force myself to watch the commercials on TV that show abused animals and then ask for donations to rescue them. It’s just too sad to look at the battered animals and see the blatant evidence of human cruelty.


  7. You’ve got some spectacular pictures Frizz. 🙂


  8. Pingback: the N! photo archive « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  9. Pingback: Nietzsche Quotes | Flickr Comments

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