Nietzsche and the horse

Nietzsche collapsed into a nervous breakdown when he, weeping, embraced a horse (hit by a coachman).
A winter horse
photo by Rafał Krauze The photographer Rafał Krauze comments in his flickr photostream:
“Horse, that I met some day in my city (Lublin, Poland), when he was pulling a cart with junks…”

FrizzText: The German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) collapsed into a strange nervous breakdown 1865 in Trieste by the fact that he, weeping, embraced a horse (hit by a coachman). Maybe NIETZSCHE, watching the horse with empathy, suddenly noticed the situation like a metaphor: NIETZSCHE grabbed a deep message via the eyes of the sad horse, realized, that his own life was nothing more than the servile life of a horse: punished and forced to pull the interests of dominating beasts. Read more in my essay about Nietzsche at The philosopher NIETZSCHE


Nietzsche Quotes