Forgive or forget

grandpa, me

If it is too hard to forgive, at least learn to forget. I had to learn to forgive (me or others) – because you can’t go on with life happily, if you do not forgive – or at least try to forget. If you can’t forget, you will destroy yourself. To forgive maybe would encourage your enemies to continue? If it is neither possible to forgive nor to forget: organize a great distance.
greetings by grandpa frizz
P.S.: yes, I am grandpa! I have two grandsons, one by my daughter in Munich, the other by my daughter in Berlin – and my wife Barbara, a professional photographer (she made the portrait of me and TOM right side), – she influenced all of us to take pictures – and to forgive, if something went wrong …

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

13 responses to “Forgive or forget

  1. When we learn to forgive we progress.
    That is a beautiful picture of you and your grandson fritz.


  2. How cute. You must love your grandchildren like my mother love my children.:)


  3. thirdhandart

    Beautiful grandson!


  4. I wanna have grandson/granddaughter one day in the future ♥


  5. Forgive and forget…such an old adage…but still not always easy to accomplish. No matter, we should keep on trying all the days of our lives. We’ve nothing to lose but a lot of excess personal “baggage.” Better to live by another more recent saying…”be happy.” Those were the lyrics in a song made popular by an islander many years ago. Suits me just fine…

    since i’m an islander as well. 🙂 by the way…have added you to my blogroll, so my readers and i can stop by regularly. 😉


  6. Ah, what a great photo!


  7. Wolfgang Hermann

    wir machen alle immer wieder fehler udn könne nur um vergebung bitten und auf vergebung hoffen

    deshalb wünsche ich uns allen möglichst wenig schwere fehler

    lg wolfgang

    by this way : die töchter waren keine fehler !!


  8. I have had to learn to live in a country that survives by forgiving and forgetting. Pinochet was along time ago, but not long enough…it still affects people here. I believe forgiving is one of the greatest things a person can do…but, thankfully, I have never had to test my own limit of forgiveness.

    Beautiful photo of your grandson.


  9. What a sweet photo… You both look quite content. 🙂


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