Carefree Nature

Carefree nature, unburdened, unmolested – seems to be a principle of modern life, a trend in personal lifestyles as well as in design, art, politics. To be free means: not living under a dictatorship which destroys your personal dignity. Free means also not to be fenced in working conditions, which make you unhappy or even ill, with no way out to escape. Sports and fine arts, holidays or being retired are typical “unburdened”, “unmolested” areas …

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About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

6 responses to “Carefree Nature

  1. Pingback: German Biography « Flickr Comments

  2. Wolfgang Hermann

    der modern style steht eher für nervenkitzel als für die freiheit die wihr hier in großen ausmaß haben


  3. Looks like what one of my very daring friends would do… love flying but not in all weather conditions. 🙂


  4. Pingback: the C archive « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  5. Pingback: light flight

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