Tomahawk Missiles

“Operation Odyssey Dawn”: 110 Tomahawk missiles are fired against Libya. Phase 1 of the war begins. US Navy together with British submarines and French Air Force have started to degrade the Gaddafi dictatorship with cruise missiles vs. Libyan air defense structures.

Tomahawk missile launch
title=”Tomahawk missile launch”
by Konabish, on Flickr, sent to
my group BLOG IT!

Russia, China, Germany, India and Brazil didn’t say yes (or no) in the UN security council, but the others had the will to stop Gaddafi’s war against Libyan population. (Notice: the prime ministers of Brazil, India and Germany are female!)

I am not very satisfied, that we are still living in those silly times, where not discussions, information, negotiations are the tools in conflicts but military methods seem to be necessary …

Muammar al-Gaddafi at the 12th AU summit, Febr...

Image via Wikipedia

HMS Astute Arrives at Faslane for the First Time
title=”HMS Astute Arrives at Faslane
for the First Time
by Defence Images, on Flickr,
sent to my group BLOG IT!
Photographer: LA(Phot) Jonathan Massey


photo below: title=”Harriers Leave HMS Ark Royal For Final Time by Defence Images, on Flickr, sent to my group
Harriers Leave HMS Ark Royal For Final Time
Photographer: POA(Phot) Ray Jones – image 45152143.jpg from

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

5 responses to “Tomahawk Missiles

  1. eine gute gelegenheit neue waffen auszuprobieren,
    da kann man das hohe militärische budget rechtfertigen
    und noch erhöhen und vor allem
    später die waffen gut verkaufen
    allle die daran verdienen müßen nicht einmal ihren kopf hinhalten sondern nur die hände auf


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