EROTIC as positive energy

Italy is confused by the macho behavior of prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. Basically EROTIC is a positive, powerful energy. But a macho “Bunga-Bunga” attitude, involving the power of money etc. disturbs the gender dialog badly. The solution cannot be new restrictions against sexuality like in Arabian nations. The common sense should notice, that the solution is a fair use of sexual attractiveness


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Watching, which of my articles are top rated, I could analyze, that the interest on articles with erotic content indicates, that we are searching for the right way to deal with sexuality. We have to find a way, to accept sex, erotic, love as an important positive power. But we should act against erotic drifting away into bad fields of being dominated by the wrong things. Maybe a difficult discussion. Let’s find a fair use of erotic

The national Italian problem seems not to be only the nightclub dancer Karima El Mahrough, Ruby the Heartbreaker, aged 17 when she made some deals with Berlusconi, but more than that some decades of Italian television, dominated by media-mogul Berlusconi: His concept has been again and again  to feature show girls, erotic entertainments, reducing women to sex objects. The time seems to be now, to remember the roots of modern women’s liberation movement, which started in the seventies but then was lost in the Italian macho culture again …

title=”flamenco, ivory + ebony” by Frizztext, on Flickr
flamenco, ivory + ebony