River Stories

Some years we lived in a house down by the riverside. Every evening I made a little trip with my canoe. Once I noticed two ears looking out of the water. It was a just born calf fighting to survive. I stopped my journey and climbed (the calf on my back) up to the dry land. Mother cow stood there completely confused …
Georgetown, ME
Georgetown, Maine (an island community located in midcoast Maine near Bath): I do not have a photo of my life rescue action in the Ruhr river, Germany, but Barry Lubman kindly gave the permission to me, to feature his photo from a yellow house at the Kennebec River, near Bath (and the 5 islands restaurant) – click on the picture, to enter Barry Lubman’s flickr gallery.
We liked to live close to a river for many years in the little town Arnsberg too. So, as a resumee of all those river years I tried to paint something as a symbol for this as my tribute to the naive painter Grandma Moses (and Barry Lubman kindly gave the permnission):
Kennebec River, Bath, Maine
painting by frizztext