Blind Willie Johnson

John Bodi is an inspiring pianist but also he plays perfectly acoustic slide guitar like Blind Willie Johnson did, the father of the blues guitar. I was glad to add my vocals to his instrumental version of “Nobody’s Fault But Mine”

On board of the space shuttle Voyager a song by Blind Willie Johnson is hurtling through space – in addition to other products explaining what humanity is. An opportunity to make a picture of this singer – and of the society that surrounded him. The title of his song raging through space: DARK WAS THE NIGHT AND COLD THE GROUND; it refers to the burial of Jesus – but fits after all that we know, unfortunately, exactly on Blind Willie Johnson’s own sad end: he froze to death in the ruins of his lighted, burned down house, after he had been rejected by a hospital to receive help against an acute pulmonary inflammation (because he was black). It can not be wrong to spread the story of Blind Willie Johnson in all the worlds beyond. It is hoped that the US-NASA did this in a self-critical attitude, not only wanting to tell little green Martians something about the Christian Bible, hoping, that some new planets could baptized and feel themselves as a colony of the United States, God’s own country.

Roberto Luti / Playing For Change movement, performing “Dark was the night, cold was the ground” by Blind William Johnson:

related: my amazon review:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

8 responses to “Blind Willie Johnson

  1. this is very good .. the photo, however, is of Blind Willie McTell ~
    good work here.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a haunting melody, and what a sad song. You did a great job on the vocals. Frizz.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. eliz frank

    That was a beautiful piece Frizz… So good to reconnect with you after a long silence. I miss the old blogging days. Anyways, sending you best wishes for a delightful August and a sweet fall. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for the enjoyment you bring ~


  5. Great dear! Christmas 2012 was my daughter Janis gave me a book with a cd on R .CRUMB hero Blues, Jazz and Country, introduction by Terry Zwigoff Editions de la Martiniere, I guess you know …? !!!


  6. Dark was the night 70years ago in Hiroshima….and for all victims of war

    (I hope you Ils find another website for your music after soundcloud)

    Liked by 1 person

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