Strong tower to live in

strange architecture, a strong tower to live in, I admit, since I saw this quadric tower 50 years ago for the first time, it appeared as picture very often in my nightly dreams, don’t know why…
Arnsberg 135B

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

10 responses to “Strong tower to live in

  1. Das Fachwerk sieht deutsch aus. Wo ist das?


  2. What a handsome building!


  3. Handsome, but a slightly domineering air too. I can see why that striking geometry might loom up in dreams.


    • domineering, that’s the word. Like Kafka’s castle on top of the hill oppressing those living down by the riverside; my favorite painting: Wassily Kandinsky “C’est la vie”- as if he had lived in Arnsberg!


      • Wassily Kandinsky: “C’est la vie”:
        daily I have my meditation, staring at this painting by Wassily Kandinsky: C’est la vie = love and war, joy and oppression, coming and escaping, making music, watching a cat, having a baby…

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Where is it Frizz?


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