
As a little boy, 60 years ago, I daily visited the PORSCHE automobile shop in our neighborhood, begged for some posters, even took place on the leather seats – and was quite sure, that once I would own a PORSCHE. Now, aged nearly 70, I realize: it will never be. The Porsches grew old like me it seems…
The Legacy of Ferry P.
title=”The Legacy of Ferry P.” – photo by MGness_, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT! Click on the picture to enter the photographer’s flickr photo-stream.
comment by ideflex (read below too):
Perhaps, but the music they make is not anywhere as sweet as yours! You are in good company though as I am still waiting for a sports car promised over forty years ago…
my reply:
thanks for your kind words about my guitar hobby, maybe you like my cover MERCEDES BENZ = my tribute to Janis Joplin and my LORD (I’m still waiting for an answer; Janis Joplin, on the other hand, drove a PORSCHE painted in a psychedelic manner, we don’t know what she’s riding up above in heaven now)
even my daughter supported my prayer in a church:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

12 responses to “Porsche

  1. I am sure you have weathered far better than this poor old Porsche Frizz!


  2. Perhaps, but the music they make is not anywhere as sweet as yours! You are in good company though as I am still waiting for a sports car promised over forty years ago…


  3. Here is a cartoon of me in my Porsche:

    Jeanne Poland


  4. we all have something we have desired…but, sadly not to have in this lifetime…loved the playing with your daughter singing…music is such a wonderful thing to share!


  5. 🙂 Dafür gibt es nur ein Wort: GENIAL! 🙂
    Toll, dass Deine Tochter scheinbar auch gern und gut singt!
    Schönen Sonntag und herzliche Grüße 🙂


  6. As a young doctor i had a red 356 porsche coupe. In this time there was no speed limit on the street and i was allways fast. This porsche was difficult to drive because he had no assists like ABS or ASL and the back was allways on the way to be before the front. Another car damaged my porsche but I had a good luck and stayed alive without a läsion.
    In this time I married and a porsche was to fast for my wife.
    But in my dreams sometime this feeling of speed comes back.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lovely smiles from you and your daughter at the end of the video!


  8. For me, it’s a MGB GT that made me dream….and Lotus. And like you, I think I will never had one but can maybe drive a lotus one day on a racing circuit.
    That poor 356 deserve better than to live under those trees. And when you think that it was initially a sport version of the beetle of the same Engineer, …..
    I just drove a Porsche today….in Real Racing 3 on my phone 😀


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