
I have a friend, guitarist Andrey Shilov, living in the Ukraine. Actually there are big riots on the streets: some want to become a part of Europe, others still accept to be dominated by Russia. Not easy to stay calm in those days and play guitar only:
Andrey Shilov - Musician
Andrey Shilov in my home studio with a cappuccino served by my wife…
visit his youtube channel at – he is a professional guitar teacher and concert performer in Russia, Ukraine, Dniepropetrovsk – Dniepropetrovsk Conservatory – he studied at the Leningrad Music College + at the East-Ukrainian University in Lugansk

Above a composition by Django Reinhardt, TEARS, below J.S. Bach: BOURREE; video was produced by myself in Germany in my home studio, then uploaded to youtube in Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine. I am glad that the Iron Curtain melt down – and that the internet can connect us weekly …

Andrey Shilov plays “BOURREE” by J.S.Bach 22.07.2010 on newly bought guitar made by Amalio Burguet. Recorded by “Frizz”. Преподаватель Днепропетровской консерватории Андрей Шилов играет “Буррэ” И.С.Баха на концерте в г.Хаттингене (Германия) 22.07.2010

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

6 responses to “Ukraine

  1. Excellent music, Frizz. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Shilov’s music and your production = perfect!


  3. That looks like a very complicated piece to play, judging by the movement of his fret hand. Thanks for sharing.


  4. thank you for this beautiful moment with Django and Andrey


  5. Fabulous, Frizz! It must be amazing to have a talent like this 🙂


  6. Wow he is very talented. I just finished sobbing over the Olympics. I must sat they did a spectacular presentation! Andrey is so good!


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