RRR Challenge

Every Tuesday, step by step, I’m walking with my readers from A to Z, last week we had the “Q”-challenge, so this week we’ll take “R” – I’m sure you’ll also find a photo, a story or a music title tagged with “R”! Feel free to add in the comments below the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “R”!!! Myself I’ll focus on the topic “robust”:


Who’s afraid his house could stagger sideways to the left or right, should perhaps make a precaution pinching his house between two rocks!
1 (28)/in/explore-2013-07-16
Photo by Pierre Moulin, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT!, click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr.com
Looks like a good place to visit for some peace and quiet! I’ll bet it’s as quiet as a tomb inside.
maybe the owner is a rock ‘n roll guitarist or even a drummer? And no one wanted to live very near to his house?
Imagine the jam sessions!
Hi Elisa, you do not need much space to get loud: watch this little jam session, they gathered in a tiny van:

A-Z Archive

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

78 responses to “RRR Challenge

  1. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Story Challenge] R is for Road Signs |

  2. Hello there Frizz. Loved looking at those rocks. So peaceful. Robust indeed. I am in today with some Road signs around South California. 🙂 Here’s the link:


  3. R wasn’t so easy. Rock n’ roll of course. Rock Island Line :http://bumbastories.wordpress.com/2012/09/12/the-rock-island-line/


  4. Pingback: RRR for Frizz- Real Red Roses. | V A S T L Y C U R I O U S

  5. Pingback: R is for “rodzina” | restlessjo

  6. It looks the perfect space for me! I’m not very wide and I don’t like crowds 🙂
    Many thanks for the challenge, Frizz.


    • “Rodzina is the Polish word for family,
      and what an important word it is…”
      you are suffering, Jo, that they are so far away?
      What about to live in Poland?


  7. Pingback: Spring Roses | dadirridreaming

  8. What an amazing photo Frizz, incredible! Someone who needed the feeling of security! Here is mine 🙂 http://dadirridreaming.wordpress.com/2013/10/29/spring-roses/


  9. Pingback: Rain Dance: all together now – let’s sing! | Tish Farrell

  10. Between a rock and a hard place? Some had to say it. Here’s my ‘R’ – Rain Dance – a children’s opera:

    Rain Dance: all together now – let’s sing!


  11. Pingback: So many R´s….!!! | ilargia64

  12. Hi Frizz!
    Here are my “R´s”

    So many R´s….!!!

    Have a nice day!


  13. Pingback: R is for… Reduced Speed at the Sahara | Travel with Intent

  14. What an unusual place to build a house!


  15. Incredible photo, Frizz. I wonder how they managed to build the house right there. 😕


  16. That place is fabulous. Great for someone like me who like space between neighbors. 🙂
    Slamming’ jammin’ ! Cool.


  17. Robust, maybe…but when the sea rise, I’m not sure the house will be there anymore O:-)


  18. Amy

    Between two solid rocks, amazing!


  19. I totally enjoyed Kermit Ruffins…couuld listen for hours…
    the house is astounding …and makes my mind say…”how?”


  20. Laura Bloomsbury

    love the rugged house. Thought you might be playing some ragtime on this round! p.s. and you’ve rigged your blog in new regalia


  21. Brilliant shot! That vehicle looks rather out of place there 🙂


  22. Pingback: Rock and Roll – Elvis | Inside the Mind of Isadora

  23. Pingback: R is for… | AngelineM's Blog

  24. The people who live in this house must feel very secure in some ways 🙂
    Here is my entry this week Frizz while you are off at play http://angelinem.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/r-is-for/


  25. When we were in Brittany we came by this house in Pors-Hir on the northern coast – most peculiar – I think the owners get very tired of people taking photos – it is in an area of beautiful rocky coast. I’m working on my RRR …


  26. Pingback: Red Roof in Rotterdam | Beyond the Brush

  27. Pingback: R is for… Remembrance | Travel with Intent

  28. I couldn’t resist another RRR post when I saw this giant poppy: http://travelwithintent.com/2013/10/31/r-is-for-remembrance/


  29. Pingback: Recology, Recycle, and Reuse | The World Is a Book...

  30. Pingback: A-Z Challenge-RRR | WoollyMuses

  31. Pingback: My Favorite Road | Momdeavor

  32. Pingback: RRR-Challenge, “Rock of Ages” | SPUMONI CADDO ~~

  33. Pingback: Radiohead | Completely Disappear

  34. Pingback: RRR Challenge: Rope | unexpectedincommonhours

  35. Pingback: RRR – Challenge | Across the Bored

  36. RRR – could not Resist – please have a look at

    RRR – Challenge


  37. Pingback: S-Challenge | Flickr Comments

  38. vastlycurious.com

    Riveting Reptile minus Reflection http://wp.me/a2dwKf-15G


  39. Pingback: Two Items or the Number Two | Outreach

  40. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Story Challenge] R is for Road Signs | Gathering Books

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