QQQ Challenge

Every Tuesday, step by step, I’m walking with my readers from A to Z, last week we had the “P”-challenge, so this week we’ll take “Q” – I’m sure you’ll also find a photo, a story or a music title tagged with “Q”! Feel free to add in the comments below the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “Q”!!! Myself I’ll focus on “the Q”:

on the Q

On The Q
title=”On The Q” by RR’s Snap Shop (Russ Rowland), click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr
We spent some weeks in New York and used the subway daily. Once my wife was bleeding after she hurt herself falling on the boardwalk; I didn’t know how to help her, but a woman sitting next to my wife in the subway to Queens helped her vs. the bleeding very perfectly; then the woman told us, she had just escaped from the war in Sarajevo, former Yugoslavia, Europe; New York always had a big heart and said welcome to so many refugees!
A-Z Archive

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

80 responses to “QQQ Challenge

  1. A nice, “feel good” story and fantastic photo, thanks Frizz!


  2. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Story Challenge] Q is for Quirky Shops in Slovakia |

  3. Hi there Frizz, nice Q here. I am in this week with “Quirky” shops from Slovakia. Here’s the link:


    • quest / search = always searching for the very picture, yes:
      you wrote:
      “The king was plagued with the heavy burden of responsibility. Drought and famine, war and rebellion, disease and disaster, one after the other! I must find a way to quiet my troubled heart, so I can sleep at night! He offered a reward to the…” photographer who could compose him a portrait of perfect peace. So here it is: me sitting in a chair which fits me well (?)


  4. Q is for quadrille. A poem in four parts (my definition). Traditionally the quadrille was a courtly dance with four couples. It is also a musical structure. But when you fold an 8.5″ by 11″ sheet of paper in half you get space for four poems. Hence the quadrille was invented. I wrote a couple last year. http://bumbastories.wordpress.com/2011/01/05/quadrille/




  6. nice pictures and intesresting stories. If it was a F, i would have chose Falafel, because of a falafel vendor in NYC, a french with his son in France for studies. We talk a lot. He was happy to speak french and the falafel were so good (it’s vegetarian !)….


    • if it was a P, i would have choose Pizza,
      if it was a S, i would have choose Spaghetti,
      if it was an i, i would have choose ice cream!
      we had Falafel when our French friends,
      who originally came from Egypt,
      made it in our kitchen!


  7. Love the shot through that window, Frizz 🙂 Queuing- yes, us Brits are supposed to be great at it!
    I’ve got one for you- I just need a little time 🙂


  8. Pingback: Q is for… Queenz | Travel with Intent

  9. Pingback: QQQ: Quilts | The World Is a Book...

  10. Amy

    Very cool photo, Frizz. Love the heartwarming story! Here is my entry: http://shareandconnect.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/qqq-quilts/
    Have a wonderful week 🙂


  11. Hi Frizz, I haven’t exactly got a ‘Q’ for you, at least not yet. Spent all my time writing ‘In Much Wenlock An Inspector Calls’ all about my town and its Neighbourhood Plan – our attempt to get the kind of development we want – QUALITY not QUANTITY: http://wp.me/pKVAM-pe


  12. QATAR:
    a musician in Qatar, looks quite comfortable. But I’ve heard that some workers from Asia, working for architects’ dream buildings [FIFA will organize soccer world championship there], are treated like slaves …
    Oud Shop
    title=”Oud Shop” – photo by Dirk Cush, click on the picture to enter his galleries on flickr.com


  13. Pingback: Quintessential image of Quiet, rural Quebec | Beyond the Brush

  14. What a heart warming story Frizz and you look very regal in your chair.


  15. Pingback: Queen Pink Purple Dendrobium | Isadora Art and Photography

  16. A kind and caring story that show New York can be warm and fuzzy sometimes. I took the O train many times. My hubby had lived there for about 2 years before we married. Love the pigeons in the window as you look out of the train.
    I had almost posted quilts bu didn’t because it was so obvious. I’m glad I didn’t since Amy has the homor of that post. Here’s mine … enjoy


  17. vastlycurious.com

    Hello none of my posts are working….


  18. Pingback: Q is for… | AngelineM's Blog

  19. All the Q’s are great. Another fun week, thanks Frizz.

    Q is for…


  20. Pingback: Q is for Quinta | restlessjo

  21. Pingback: QQQ–Challenge~~ “Not the Quintessential Alphabet Queen” | SPUMONI CADDO ~~

  22. Pingback: QQQ Challenge….? Street Quote!!! | ilargia64

  23. Hi Frizz! Here is my entry to your challenge this week…

    QQQ Challenge….? Street Quote!!!

    Have a nice day!


  24. Caddo

    Very “kingly” portrait indeed, Frizz–makes me think of my fave movie, “Camelot”. Hope you enjoyed my alphabet swan song–I didn’t make it to Z, but we had a good run nonetheless.


  25. Pingback: QQQ is for QANTAS | dadirridreaming

  26. Hi Frizz, love your Q subway pic … and story … here is my Q transport http://dadirridreaming.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/qqq-is-for-qantas/


    • I didn’t know anything about the roots of the QUANTAS plane design, so thank you for: “one of Qantas’ special paint designs based on Aboriginal motifs. We watched while it was prepared for flight, before boarding in Brisbane on our way home from our Far North Queensland adventure ,,,”


  27. Pingback: A-Z Challenge-Q | WoollyMuses

  28. Pingback: A-Z Photo Challenge: QQQ | unexpectedincommonhours

  29. So many interesting interpretations of “Q”! I had a hard time with this one, but here is my entry:


  30. Pingback: Quotes | Completely Disappear

  31. Pingback: QQQ – Challenge | Across the Bored

  32. Good morning – a Quick Q for you! Please have a look at

    QQQ – Challenge


  33. Pingback: RRR Challenge | Flickr Comments

  34. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Story Challenge] Q is for Quirky Shops in Slovakia | Gathering Books

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