Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning

Always after breakfast I like to sit on the bench in our kitchen to play one little fingerstyle arrangement on my e-guitar. Music to enter the day with optimism …
portrait (as well as the video): friendly shot after breakfast by my wife Barbara … (I hope there are no technical problems to listen to the flickr-video; but if, tell me):

and if we have friends for breakfast / brunch we play together: listen to Catou (from Bruxelles, banjo) and me (guitar) with the same jazz standard, audio file for soundcloud:

related: Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning
I'm part of Post A Day 2013

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

45 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning

  1. Is that stratocaster?


  2. Wonderful song… and wonderful photograph and video… I love your kitchen and your cat… 🙂 Thank you, love, nia


  3. Not only the new day but the new moon also!!!
    Thank you, Frizz! 🙂


  4. Nice way to…start my day. hugs! 🙂


  5. What a great way to start your day, Frizz. Ward off the bad news for as long as you can 🙂


  6. Video looks and sounds great! I really enjoy your guitar posts.


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: Good Morning (Bonjour!) | What's (in) the picture?

  8. very nice…you have a nice bright fun kitchen it seems…


  9. 2812 photography

    Music help start the day. Playing music must be like adding a little kick of rocket fuel. Very cool take.


  10. Great way to start YOUR day….and OURS! Nice


  11. Well, I’m sitting here with my breakfast listening to Ain’t she sweet. Thanks Frizztext!


  12. Nice, Frizz! How come the cat is not singing along??


  13. Pingback: “Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning” #photography #poetry | Moondustwriter's Blog

  14. a wonderful way to start the day – great company 🙂


  15. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning | 2812 photography

  16. jampang

    a happy morning… and may the all day happy

    i got some flowers for this week’s challenge


  17. Caddo

    Entering the day with Optimism–I LOVE that, Frizz–Excellent!!!


  18. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Morning | Joe's Musings

  19. Amy

    Thank your for the guitar playing, Frizz! Love it, as always.


  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning! | A mom's blog

  21. “…Yes, I ask you very confidentially, ain’t she sweet!”


  22. Pingback: Awakening | Not the Family Business!

  23. Pingback: A Shred Matrix Morning | Sogna Grandezza

  24. Laura Bloomsbury

    Good Boho morning to you Frizz – interesting household, brilliantly colourful and what a way to start the day with feet tapping and the spirit raised


  25. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning | Processing the life

  26. Really love your electric guitar fingerstyle! You and your wife have a super day!


  27. pattisj

    My dad used to play his guitar, but not so early in the day. Brings back memories…


  28. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Very Good All Vinyl Morning | Humbled Pie

  29. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning Monkeys | Processing the life

  30. My son is an undergraduate reading music and, like you, a fine musician. Just got him to listen in to you and he, like me, is very impressed.


  31. What a lovely way to start the day! I’m rather envious, I have no musical talent whatsoever, which is a bit embarrassing because my father is a very talented saxophonist.

    Great post, made me smile. 🙂


  32. Pingback: Good Morning from Ireland! | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me

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