Inspectors Coming

THOUGH BY WHIM, ENVY OR RESENTMENT LED, THEY DAMN THOSE AUTHORS, WHOM THEY NEVER READ. [Charles Churchill, 1732-1764, about criticasters] – Actually I’ve published a book via blurb, featuring some of the thoughts, comments, discussions and statements of my daily blog: fragments and feedbacks, June-2013 US $12.10
inspectors are coming
comment by “ilargia64” = Amaya at “No Frizz!!!! Did you really take this one????”
frizz reply: as they came over the hill, staring at me, I suddenly remembered my father. He was an inspector.
related: flickrcomments: suffering-under-orthodoxy
a photo by ilargia / Amaya herself, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT:
Alepo.Old City
The point of view (and the colors) to feature this castle in Alepo (there is war in Syria) gave me a flashback to Franz Kafka and his dark stories. My father was an inspector in the administration of my country. They do not like to answer to any questions, they just act: hidden …

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

9 responses to “Inspectors Coming

  1. Amaya’s photo is fab!


  2. I really love the sheep picture. You can literally see how their curiosity drives them forwards to check on you.


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  4. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    Awesome with the book 🙂 I’ve not heard of Blurb.

    Love your Kafka reference & link. Enormously interesting post, Frizz.


  5. Good morning Frizz!!!!
    Thanks for the post!!!! I have to say one of the things I like about your blog is that it really offer the possibility to interact….And that is fascinating!
    The pic of the sheep is so great…And at the same time, looking at it slowly (and under the influence of your words) I can see something a Little bit malignant on their sight…Kind of “…You, Little man, what are you doing HERE?”…
    Inspectors on that time, like today fanatics, I am sure were difficult to handle…I always wonder how those people are able to manage their private and public lives…Do they really have a heart? Are they able to feel simpathy and compassion?
    PD: I agree with your reference to Kafka…


  6. Totally love the sheep…


  7. Amusing sheep, and beautiful castle!!


  8. I chuckled when I saw the first photo! They sure look inquisitive, and they do look like they are “inspectors.”


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