Floods in Germany

Floods in Germany by euronews
Floods in Germany, a photo by euronews on Flickr.

It takes nerves of steel if you are currently affected by the flood again – after already 2002 optimism and the will of reconstruction in Germany was put to the test.

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

36 responses to “Floods in Germany

  1. What a disaster. Thank you for the pictures, Frizz. I hadn’t seen them before. It is just amazing. Where is the technology? Aren’t there ways to prevent such a flood?


  2. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    I had absolutely no idea of this. Why, just why is it some things make news that reaches around the globe and some don’t, I don’t think I will ever understand.


  3. Sonel

    That is a lot of water indeed. Great shot! 🙂


  4. …nerves of steel, patience and hope!


  5. Hope the waters recede. How awful for all those affected. Nice to hear your music this morning. Your finger must be better.


  6. WOW! Sorry to see this. It takes 10 days for the water to receded, how awful. Love your music as well.


  7. Thank you for the amazing pictures. They really show the damage to property and lives that the floods have brought.


  8. Niranjan

    Sorry to see. We get this situation every year over here btw, and unfortunately public attitudes to these problems have been more of acceptance or mitigation at the individual level rather than an encompassing prevention methodology.


  9. this news is terrible.. poor kitty.. i wish i could pull it out from the flood.. the river danube is quite familiar, it was mentioned in a song isn’t it?


  10. Amy

    That is devastating… I feel so sorry for the people who have to deal with flood and afterwards.


  11. It’s terrible Frizz and so many people are affected.


  12. wolfgangfoto

    the “sintflut ” as descripted in the bible


    • in your case, dear Wolfgang, the Great Flood, disturbing your very comfortable home, wasn’t fair at all!!!
      selfportrait 30  - after the big rain
      selfportrait 30 – after the big rain photo by wolfgangfoto
      the photographer Wolfgang Hermann, Austria, wrote as a comment to his self-portrait:
      a big rain destroyed my home, at first i saw this as a bad luck, because i lost a lot, now i know, it was a good luck, because i got the chance to have a new begin with less things


  13. Allyson Mellone

    Yes, I have seen and read about the flooding in the news! The devastation it has caused to all who are in those flood areas.


  14. Some weeks ago, it was the same in France. I remember when I was on the road for work, several years ago, sometimes the motorway was just between water on the left and on the right. Famr animals are blocked in the inside and sometimes in poor conditions because nothing was prepared for that.
    South Germany is maybe rich but it’s often the poorest inhabitants that are in the floods, because the price of the houses are lower.
    And if you think that water will be the next “gold” in the world, what a strange world ! (and water is one of the secret goal of the palestinian problem with israel, lebanon… )


  15. I think my earlier comment on this terrible disaster got washed away. It’s hard to imagine quite how people recover themselves after being so badly flooded. Nothing can quite be the same again. While here in Shropshire people have been learning how to make their homes flood resistant – to the extent that water will pass through without doing endless damage, it’s hard to know how one could stem the effects of a flooding Danube. People in power need to wise-up to climate change and extreme weather conditions; they need to stop logging without replanting; and they need to stop allowing development of flood plains. Less concrete and tarmac that speed the flow of water, better drainage and more trees and plants…


  16. Worrying about these floods… ı watch on tv news… so sad…


  17. Frizz, excellent but also devastating photos here and in your link. I have always thought that it would be great to live in front of a river or a lake, but after seeing these photos now I’m not sure.


  18. How awful! I had not heard about this until Frank’s mother mentioned it — this is so devastating to so many people. Thanks for the photos, Frizz — they are beautiful pictures, just of an ugly happening.


  19. wolfgangfoto

    the real problems are coming after the water. you will never get out the bad accident from your brain and it needs near a year to have a comfortable home again


    • yes, dear Wolfgang, I know, I had my flood too, not attacked by water but by a senseless job! Never I’ll get it out of my brain – and to feel comfortable I needed ten years.


  20. annet

    I read the english Guardian (online), because of their good coverage on privacy-matters etc. Not One Word on the floods in eastern&southern Europe, with their deathtolls. Commenters complainded about it. Very strange.


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