ART – what drives an artist?

What drives an artist to depict a person? Why the art market reached dizzying high turnover? How to become an artist? Through an art school? No. There must be a fire deep inside of the artist, and it must never be extinguished: this burning desire to feature something.
Double trouble
title=”Double trouble” by moggierocket / Ineke, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT!, click on the picture to enter her galleries on or visit her website at
trying to feature, what actually runs through the cat’s mind while posing for the photographer:


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

36 responses to “ART – what drives an artist?

  1. that is a fun image!
    what inspires an artist? honestly, i have no clue! it’s just there, like the song of a bird or the colors in a sunset!


    • ideas coming as boulders, like lava, like rain? like rabbits or donkeys, laughters or tears, like the ever floating water of the river near your window pane?


      • aren’t you being poetic today?!!! very nice, thanks!


        • O.K., not poetic now: yesterday I wrote to Shimon in Jerusalem at

          I read with great interest your article about art, art schools and artists – and tried to continue thinking about that topic:
          β€œwhat they teach is not how to be an artist…” – yes! analyzing the topic I studied the biography of van Gogh (and his suicide) or Piet Mondrian, Andre Kertesz (photographer) or Max Beckmann, Stefan Zweig or Helmut Newton etc. – it is the rhythm in the deepest center of a person, the center of a volcano-thing maybe: and you have to care, that the fire does not go to ashes …
          tomorrow, on Tuesday, I’ll feature how Rembrandt painted a portrait from me!


          • i read this again this morning, and yes, its a rhythm that comes from the deepest center of a person. i’ve always believed that the ability to be a genuine artist is having the gift to tap ‘inward’ and totally blot out what’s happening elsewhere. one has to be able to get still on all levels and stay there.



            • “…it’s a rhythm that comes from the deepest center of a person…”
              – and therefore the rhythm of person, dressed in the produced art, is the real interesting thing, i.e. the person itself, the inner engine, producing all the activities of a personality… my favorite author G.C. Lichtenberg once wrote metaphorically about a certain magnetism, which produces the typical circles around a personality: first the body-language, the face, the words, the actions: the work of a person, the clothes, the chosen house, interior, the friends, the journeys – the whole universe created by every single person = the magnetism / aura of a human being …


  2. What a lovely image! Enjoyed your poetic response too πŸ™‚


  3. It’s a very nice image, though the cat is a little too fat. By the end of the week, I will do another post on art… this time about the nature of the artists, and a little about the mechanics of what he does. I think you will enjoy it…


  4. What drives the artist is the same intangible thing that drives YOUR creativity Frizz!


  5. You answered your own question with this great image! Very nice πŸ™‚


  6. Thank you Dietmar! I love the music that accompanies the image, it made me giggle.
    p.s. I don’t sell portcards, but I do sell my work πŸ˜‰


  7. “a fire deep inside”: you know very well, don’t you/!!!


  8. Laura Bloomsbury

    dynamic duo! Add a fiddle and this could be entitled ‘ catgut ‘ πŸ™‚
    p.s. by contrast, fitted my post today so gave you a shout πŸ™‚


  9. Niranjan

    Art takes minimal resources to make things happen outside of reality. The interpretation of art is also open-ended, through the eyes of the beholder, and that makes it a form of expression packed with huge information in it (as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words). In that sense, each beholder gains the feeling of having interpreted a piece of art to his best capacity. Art, according to me, does not state a single fact but can lead to divergent / creative thinking. Likewise, art is itself a product of the Artist’s creative thinking which may have as much of emotion in it as intelligence. The artist creates a piece of art when he has the right mix of emotion and intelligence at his disposal. Feedback in art is therefore of some significance.

    PS: Kittys have a repertoire of expressions and they make this whole process of open-ended interpretation look so easy πŸ™‚


  10. Yes, yes and yes. Your post and the comments of those who comment, Frizz.

    What inspires me? Life and everything in it. That we exist, at all, and why. Life’s rhythm flows through all of us. It seems that, either through our experiences or dna or both, there are those who connect to this more easily than others. But it’s inside every single one of us.

    The desire/drive we have to present our version (art form of any kind) and interpretation is subjective, we know how we feel (as an artist) it’s the expression (medium,form,format – so individualistic) of same that gives it a uniqueness and eventual life of it’s own.

    Not life imitating life, life creating life within itself. For those who are driven to perform and create it is the nature of the artist – life given! Thanks, a great post! Penny


  11. Most of the comments made about what drives artists are very positive – there is a much darker side that drives many, often to extremes that take them far from society, family, sometimes even life itself. For those who are obsessed by their art and have to paint, write, make music, etc. because they cannot live sanely without doing so, each day is a test. Those who are lucky enough to balance their creativity with a sense of normalcy are blessed indeed…

    Love your sound clip and the fat cat btw!


  12. museconfuse

    Something to think about for sure.

    Art to me is expressive and emotional. I must feel moved in some way positive or negative. I am no art connoisseur nor pretend to be. But I do enjoy Art.



    It comes from deep with in……


  14. “Painters must want to paint above all else. If the artist in front of the canvas begins to wonder how much he will sell it for, or what the critics will think of it, he won’t be able to pursue original avenues. Creative achievements depend on single-minded immersion.”
    – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


  15. ghoststoriesfiction

    What drives an artist? Well for me personally its the wanting to achieve the title of being called an Artist. The passion to want to better ones self with a hobby I love. An Artist is never truly an Artist Until they have mastered the heart of Art!. Great post, love the cat πŸ™‚


  16. This is actually funny!


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