Blurb Book Project

I have to say a "thank you" to many bloggers, 
who joined my "A to Z" story challenges.
They helped me to bring the focus to words - 
putting music or photography on positions two and three.
Because it is too difficult to get all the permissions 
for photos published in a printed version,
I decided to put only text into the book - 
if you want to see some photos
you must skip to
The BLOG-book project is scheduled for 100 pages, 
but actually only pages 1 to 15 (A to H) are filled 
- the rest is empty - so don't buy it, 
only if you want to fill the pages i to z with own ideas! 
You can use my blurb book preview like an e-book for free -
maybe as an inspiration for you to make it similar 
- or much better. If you have some ideas for the 
letters i to z: tell me, if you have time ...

compare my e-book version (my first! for free …)

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

15 responses to “Blurb Book Project

  1. How cool to make a book from your blog!! Inspirational.


  2. Good for you Frizztext! 🙂


  3. Ein ehrgeiziges projekt
    Ein unikat
    Viel erfolg
    Hwezl. wolfgang


  4. CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful idea.



  5. Jackie Paulson

    Congrats on your book!


  6. Congratulations Frizz its very inspiring, well done!


  7. Awesome! I love it. Well done so far


  8. actually I’m considering, if I shuold publish a book in German language again …


  9. Congratulations Frizztext: Your e-book is wonderful! Great idea, and great accomplishment!

    I’m happy for you,



  10. Great idea! It’s a pleasure to join your A-Z challenge.


  11. a fabulous resource, we could all learn from you but you are way ahead of me in your on-line accomplishments …. but now after reading your C story i wonder if you would like to change your name back to the original … to reclaim the innocent baby before you were given to such an horrific family … sorry to bring this up but how can i call you frizz any more? ps i missed C while we were away


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