Snow or not snow

There’s no snow in Miami or Tripoli, Sydney or Calcutta. But in Novosibirsk, West Siberia, they have enough. Does snow change our minds and moods, culture and horizons? Or the monsoon? Or living in a sand desert? No matter, which weather occurs to our souls???
Street life
title=”Street life” by Valery Titievsky, Novosibirsk – image sent to my flickr group BLOG IT! – click on the photo to enter his collection…
desierto: tomando el sol
title=”desierto: tomando el sol” by dayangchi / David Benavent – image sent to my flickr group BLOG IT! – click on the photo to enter his collection…

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

15 responses to “Snow or not snow

  1. We still have no snow! Happy new year :-). K


  2. Weathering our souls–I really got that point as I studied these breath-taking photos of extreme opposites of weather conditions. Weathered souls work sort of like weathered shingling on a house–they sort of overlap and curve and tighten to carry us through storms and calms and all in-between.


    • Ivy House
      hi granbee, thank you for your elaborated comment:
      “Weathered souls work sort of like weathered shingling on a house–they sort of overlap and curve and tighten to carry us through storms and calms …”


  3. I prefer Novosibirsk. The desert is a too warm & boring place for me…


  4. dd16591569

    New south Weals which is the start were Sydney is located does have snow .. the snow fall in the Blue Mountains .. we have White Christmas in July :)which is a tradition carried on in the area


  5. Good contrast. Snow makes us calm and brings beautiful minds.


  6. “. . . which weather occurs to our souls???”
    provocative question, lots to mull… The photos are great.


  7. Beautiful question. I love the similarities in the pics. One person’s snow seems to be another’s sand.


  8. In our area, snowfall cleans the dirty air trapped in the valleys (called “inversion” here) and gives a bright clean crisp feeling. I live in an area with all four seasons. WInter would not be the same for me without snow.


  9. Wolfgang Hermann

    snow in the mountains, but no snow before my house
    thats ok


  10. TBM

    No snow in London yet but I am hopeful!


  11. I think somewhere in between…a tropical isle…the beach…a margarita…warm sun…breezes…

    aaahhh…that’s better… πŸ™‚


  12. Snow always looks lovely from a distance… but up close not always. πŸ˜‰


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