Photographer: Marji Lang

I just read a good interview, introducing Marji Lang. She was kind enough to send often some of her great pictures to my group “BLOG IT!” – and so I used her photo-messages in some of my articles, for example those about the term “Deference” or “Teach your children”. She is a master in colorful compositions – and the best field to search for this is INDIA. On the other hand: not only travel photography has interesting messages. Staying home in Paris, she also made some unforgettable shots – maybe only for me unforgettable: family walking through a snowy forest. I fixed a similar memory (like that winter walk) as a naive painting on our kitchen wall: it is our yearly ritual during Xmas season, to make such a walk through the dark silent wood, you can only hear the snow under your shoes. Maybe there is an important goal of photo-documents way beyond the colorful travel reports, far away from the clashes of religions, wordless, near to our very own identity …
Smiles, Orchha
The Passion, Paris
Let it snow... II
all three photos by Marji Lang, click on the pictures to enter her flickr galleries!
her websites:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

12 responses to “Photographer: Marji Lang

  1. Hi Fizz,
    I agree…
    I saw yesterday her work and this picture of the family on the snow is absolutely “maravillosa”…
    And I think you are right when talking about “photo-documents”…How many times we reject what we have near by and fall on our knees when watching something foreign…May be we should think a little bit about this…
    Thanks for your post


  2. laura@eljaygee

    very nice essay on this photographer – have been on a trip through her amazing galleries.. The exotic is like an exhilerating high but the familiar is the drip feed that keeps us nourished.


  3. Thank you so much, for kind words and this great post. It’s much appreciated. I feel happy that you can feel the emotional dimension of these pictures, just as i felt them while making the photographs.


  4. Pingback: Photographer: Marji Lang « Marji Lang Photography

  5. fabulous, a real talent!


  6. wonderful photos. I’m checking on her blog.


  7. I am familiar with Marji’s wonderful works Dietmar! She has very kindly contributed some of her India pictures to The 50 Million Missing campaign’s flickr pool. But I’m also interested by her European photos!


  8. She has a talented eye for composition. I especially like the first photo.


  9. All nice, but I liked the B&W with the snow the best.


  10. Pingback: turquoise | Flickr Comments

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