Beyond the money

photo by Ben Visbeek, Amsterdam; click on the picture to enter his flickr galleries!
Amsterdam's canals become all-natural ice-skating venues
Sometimes we see clearly, there must be more than money in life. To welcome the snow, the ice on the canals in Amsterdam. To wake up the memory of body language. To feel free. To enjoy community. Amsterdam is my favorite city in Europe!

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

15 responses to “Beyond the money

  1. Pingback: Ben Visbeek – testimonial « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  2. This is a beautiful, calm and relaxing photograph. Looks like a scene out of a movie.



  3. Great place I like Amsterdam and would like to Gogh museum


  4. Wonderful photograph, so calming.


  5. A beautiful photo. I thought it was black and white at first, until I saw the clouds on the right, and peoples jackets. And you are so right, there must be more than money in life.


  6. I have been to Amsterdam and I enjoyed the city.
    Sometimes the best things in life can’t be purchased with money!


  7. Love the structure of the buildings in Amsterdam. The triangle-shaped roof and it is long!


  8. [try telling that to the golden boys or banks!!!] Nice concept, Frizz!


  9. I’ve never been to Amsterdam… but from the photos I’ve seen it looks like such a beautiful place. As it does here, of course!


  10. I have always enjoyed any artworks or novels or poems based in Amsterdam. The joy depicted here is certainly “beyond money”! Thanks for much for this joy, Frizz!


  11. It is a beautiful city, I agree… in my top 30. 😉


  12. Pingback: Old Dutch Painters Revived « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

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