
I’ve made more than 2,000 posts for my wordpress blog “flickrcomments” (thanks to more than 3,000 followers) – if it wouldn’t be online but printed on paper, maybe I could fill some books…
Image created by the online software of
comment 1 by Vladimir Dimitroff:

That’s lots of text!! 🙂
frizz-reply: my idols Adorno, Bloch, Nietzsche or Montaigne wrote much more – maybe only possible in the decades before the world wide web took over?
greetings from

10 Philosophers

comment 2 by Jack Byers:

Great imaginative shot and not a guitar in site.

yes, every time when I read the printed notes of Richard Wagner: then I’m so happy that YouTube was established – or soundcloud: LISTEN to my music (you cannot put my guitar into the jail of a book cover):