New Generation Of Notebooks

there’s a new generation of notebooks, no more paper blanks, but hard disk drives in my book shelf!
comment on my flickr photo (click on the picture) by Vladimir Dimitroff:
There’s an even newer generation of SSD-s (solid-state drives). And, of course – of cloud storage. Things can never stay the same 🙂
my reply:
yes cloud storage made me put out the hard disk drives out of my computers (six so far) – and actually I’m using a SAMSUNG chromebook without any hard disk drive inside (and noise of a running fan) – I’m using google cloud storage – I even do not need any data disks or USB sticks – isn’t it crazy?

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

3 responses to “New Generation Of Notebooks

  1. Allan G. Smorra

    Clever—right between the Hardy Boys and Hard Days’ Night.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ohm, sweet ohm made it possible (together with their brothers Volt & Ampere) to create a new generation of easy and fast writing – most of all: SHARING with the whole world! Sharing of individual points of view means a destabilization of local oppression and mind control! A great chance for freedom. Bye bye paper (good for the rain forest and all the other trees, a chance for recovery of trees…)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. crazy…that’s the word. Crazy to let too much datas to google, apple, amazon. I’ve got my own cloud at home with two synology drives. And a backup in flickr for pictures. That’s enough.
    And now, after SSD, there will be another technology….And when cloud storage will be under hacker’s attack, we will see where all those experts have sent their own datas.

    Yes Steve Jobs children didn’t use ipad, iphone, ….


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