D words

Tuesday’s A to Z challenge: “D”


Event Type: General Blogging

Start Date: Tuesdays, recurring weekly

Description: Every Tuesday I offer the “A to Z challenge”, walking step by step through the alphabet.
Last week we had the “C”-challenge, so this week we’ll create a new turn with “D”: Desert, drums and dancers, DJ, dreaming dogs, decorative details, damaged Dresden, D-Day, Dolomites, donuts, diabetes, donkeys, dirty devil, delirious dragon – I’m sure you’ll also find a photo, a story or a music title tagged with “D”! Feel free to add in the comments below the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “D”!!! Myself I’ll focus on “Dinosaur”:


I have to thank Fats Suela, on our last A to Z turn she featured a wonderful DINOSAUR song:

my flickr D-photo-gallery

National Aircraft scrapyard, Tuscon, Arizona

Do you know, they call me D = Dimitri:
my soundcloud featuring me, playing guitar:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

38 responses to “D words

  1. Thanks for sharing the dinosaur song. It’s awesome! I love it!


  2. Pingback: Desert Date ~ a real-life tree of life | Tish Farrell

  3. My ‘D’, Frizz, is all about the Desert Date http://wp.me/pKVAM-Q9


  4. Pingback: D is for… Donuts | Travel with Intent

  5. D is for… Donuts

    my DONUT comment there:
    thank you for the donuts portrait, it wakes up my memories, when I went with my little grandson (aged 4) to the bakery to catch some donuts! it was our hidden joy, his parents do not allow to eat donuts at all!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. As ever I’m out and about with no earphones so I’ll listen to your latest treat later Frizz. Mine is an edible treat: http://travelwithintent.com/2014/07/29/donuts-venice/
    Less healthy than your musical one!


  7. many of my post have the category ‘daily life’. I chose one that displays daily life in my host country Azerbaijan, but not in my (and Frizz’) home country Germany.

    Yeni Ramana: pumpjack meets laundry

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: A-Z Challenge (again): D | Beyond the Brush

  9. my comment at

    A-Z Challenge (again): D

    your last photo choice made me smile; I always wanted to walk on the wings too during a flight, to have a better sight watching those cloud-mountains – now I know, I’m not alone, many signs are necessary to keep the wings clean from dirty footsteps


  10. That was GREAT! Maybe it’s the retired first grade teacher in me, but I simply LOVED that! D is for DANG! 🙂


  11. Fats Suela

    Oh, how wonderful to find out something new about you, Frizz. (Or Dimitri!). Our affectionate attack cat is back with my photo story today: D is for Dangle. I have it here:

    [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Story Challenge] D is for Dangle

    P.S. I’m glad you remember the dinosaur song! =)

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: [Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Story Challenge] D is for Dangle | Gathering Books

  13. Pingback: D Word like Dolphin | Foto Challenge

  14. Pingback: Tagged D: Dewars | Middleton Road

  15. I love the Dinosaur song! I’ve never heard it before. I couldn’t decide between Doggie One, or Doggie Two


  16. Pingback: D words | Across the Bored

  17. No matter how hectic things get, I could not let a Monday go by without a little something for you… please have a look at

    D words

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like to read between the lines of your poem,
      also searching for similarities in my own life-line:
      “Darkened by Doubt / rattled, avoided / closed or awoken…”


  18. Pingback: E Words | Flickr Comments

  19. Pingback: D Words for Frizztext A-Z Challenge – August 6, 2014 | Bastet and Sekhmet's Library

  20. Pingback: Danat دانات | My [redacted] Journey

  21. And I’m catching up! Just posted my “D”.


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