The Art Of Clean Up

My photo was inspired by the book of Ursus Wehrli: “The Art Of Clean Up”: an instruction how to escape from a chaos, creating a logical order! But perhaps also a serious warning to all obsessional neurotic persons.
At first I thought (we had just bought the book to flip through), Ursus Wehrli had the order created digitally in post-processing the images on a computer screen. But no! An amazon video makes it clear that Wehrli’s order-irony does not even stop watching the chaos-reality of a swimming pool! His book, always on our table, is the ideal entry-level call to all our visitors!


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

8 responses to “The Art Of Clean Up

  1. haha do your visitors have to be tidy too? πŸ˜‰


    • no, I like them to make chaos; once we had a woman as visitor with a big dog who never had any education, he followed no rules and was very spontaneous. He jumped upon my bureau table and pulled down my computer screen, down to the carpet. The visitor laughed, found the dog creative πŸ™‚
      my cat and me, we both decided to close the bureau-door during the next visit. Maybe we are too restrictive?


  2. He would pass out if he entered he chaos called my house. Haha.


  3. Ich hatte das Buch auch schon in der Hand, aber das war mir dann doch zu steil. Ein wenig Chaos ist mir lieber!
    Viele Grüße πŸ™‚


  4. AbsentElemental

    I’d like to buy the follow up book, “The Art of Cluttering a Cleaned Up Home”. Millions would be made.


  5. wolfgangfoto

    the problems of the other people with my chaos is not my problem
    for me has my chaos a logical order


  6. Interesting…I know I like to look a pictures of order, just like I like to look at perfectly decorated rooms in magazines…I just wouldn’t want to live that way…


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