How to spell AUTUMN?

How to spell AUTUMN? O.K., the letters are not the problem, but what’s about a congenious message via photography or music? Send some links, if you have ideas too!
Right turn off of Sweetman's Lane
title=”Right turn off of Sweetman’s Lane” – photo by joisey showaa, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT!, click on the picture to enter his galleries on

me, strumming chords – and my very talented friend L. is doing the rest…

now, a British gypsy band with a singer, using French lyrics:

I was inspired to create this post by Laura Bloomsbury:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

34 responses to “How to spell AUTUMN?

  1. Wonderful tone on those bass notes.


  2. Caddo

    Love this!


  3. Ah, Frizz, autumn well ‘spelled’! ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. It made me think of sitting on the porch of an old log cabin, somewhere in northern Ontario, near a lake in autumn, on a rocking chair, playing my own guitar, hopefully equally as well.


  5. Autumn Leaves is the french song “Les Feuilles Mortes” (dead leaves), popularised by Yves Montand.


  6. Laura Bloomsbury

    thanks for the shout- you’ve cast a spell over Autumn with some magical music
    Bastet’s has a post for autumn you might want to add to


  7. Pingback: Autumn….The Last Shelter | ilargia64

  8. Hi Frizz!
    Autumn, Fall…Your post inspired me this..

    Autumn….The Last Shelter

    Hope it is not too sad!
    PD:I love all the music you posted, and also “Les feuilles mortes”…!!!


  9. Thanks Laura for your mention to Frizz! This fantastic post!


  10. the “September Song”
    a gypsy jazz standard:


  11. Oops sorry for the typo…this is a fantastic post!


  12. Here’s my autumn offering:
    Lisa Lapineau and Matthieu Boogaerts I dream of red trees.





  14. Love that lonesome autumn trail but with your wonderful music for company lonesome has never been so companionable!


    • hi Patti,
      I like your: “…This large commanding woman, straight out of a Gary Larson Far Side cartoon, kept muttering and I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or to herself. She was looking my way, sort of. I gave her what I thought was a polite “are you talking to me?” look – no way my camera was going anywhere in her direction, before she hit me with her big voice . . . “I”M TAWKING TO THE DAWG!” (nicely spelled!)


  15. Pingback: Pixelventures’ Saturday Close up! September 28, 2013 | wdbwp

  16. Pingback: Pixelventures’ Flash Finish! October 2, 2013 | wdbwp

  17. Nessy San

    VERY VERY NICE POST! I listened to the songs, my classic fave “Falling Leaves”, thank you for this song specifically! ๐Ÿ˜€ I was absent for a week challenges on Wp cos of lack of internet, thankfully we got our own connection now! ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks for letting me know of your post, great great ~


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