The Pantheon Challenge

It is not easy, to take pictures of the Pantheon building inside. Many a photographer has tried it. The version of Masa_N with a fisheye lens has convinced me:
Pantheon, Rome ---  inside view
title=”Pantheon, Rome — inside view by Masa_N, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT!, click on the picture to enter his galleries on
a second good photo, but not with extreme fisheye lens once was shot by Mark Broadhead:
The Pantheon
photo via by Mark Broadhead, Melbourne, sent to my group BLOG IT!
the PANTHEON building in Rome, Italy: the hole in the ceiling seems to work (if there is a sunbeam) like a clock, pointing to hours, weeks, months, years, decades; when we visited this tribute to all Gods (one of the oldest architecture in Europe) some birds came in through the hole; a feather tumbled down to me: I would like to play my guitar in such an architecture!

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

16 responses to “The Pantheon Challenge

  1. Ah the frustrations of photography!


  2. Very good shots, and personally I prefer the second shot, it pulls me in more, because it looks more real 🙂 I didn’t get any great shots inside, but was blown away just walking around. The light and sound is incredible 🙂


  3. I can imagine how magnificent the sound would be in there! Frizz playing…


    • hallo Marina,
      YOUR music with your keyboard partner of course would sound there well too – but I don’t know if they would like to invite me (Mississippi Frizz, atheist, not allowed to be in a Pantheon) or you (with your “White Nigger” repertoire) – Italians prefer classical opera pathos … are there concerts in the Parthenon, Athens?


  4. Extraordinary! Maybe better to stand and stare, Frizz? Have a good weekend. 🙂


    • hi Jo,
      at first I thought, the best would be, to lay down on the marble floor and stare to the hole in the ceiling, watching the birds come in – but then I realized the tourists would trample over my belly staring to the ceiling too. At last I retired on a little marble bench in the wall, eyes closed, only listening to the babylonesque mix of tourists’ languages …


  5. Amy

    PANTHEON is majestic! That’s the best shot I’ve seen, Wow!


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